735326 Strategic innovation and change management (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Garaus, Christian
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2024/25
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


The course will cover the following topics:
-Introduction to strategic innovation & change management
-Formulating innovation strategy
-Identifying strategic capabilities
-Search strategies for innovation
-Organization of innovation
-Diffusion of innovation
-Business model innovation
-Social innovation
-Sustainable innovation

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Basic knowledge of marketing and management (ideally knowledge about funda-mentals in innovation management, technology management, and/or entrepre-neurship)


After completing the course "Strategic Innovation and Change Management", students will be able to explain the strategic importance of innovation for organizations in the construction industry, society and the environment. They can name the most important tools and frameworks in strategic innovation management and define their areas of application. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between innovation, strategy, structure, and culture. They are able to explain the processes for delivering improved innovation performance related to commercial, societal, and environmental sustainability.
At the end of the Strategic Innovation and Change Management course, students will be able to critically reflect on the innovation concepts they have learned. They can analyze capability development to explore and exploit strategic innovation opportunities and synthesize concepts to apply selected tools and frameworks to real-world cases.
In the course "Strategic Innovation and Change Management" students learn how to develop and implement innovation strategies. These skills increase their ability to work in strategic innovation projects in interdisciplinary teams. In addition, they gain the skills necessary for future roles, such as "innovation manager" or "R&D manager" in the construction industry.
In “Strategic Innovation and Change Management” students will learn how to work in teams and how to present their ideas to an audience.
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