832349 Collaborative decision analysis for wildlife management (in Eng.)

Vorlesung und Seminar
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Mattsson, Brady
Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2024/25
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Introduction to concepts, theories, and underlying methodologies of structured decision-making and decision analysis as applied to collaborative wildlife management contexts that include multiple stakeholders and topic experts. Principles of formal adaptive management will also be covered. The course illustrates decision analysis as a science-policy interface method.

Analytical methodologies covered in the course include core team formation and problem framing, stakeholder selection and interaction, objectives hierarchies, alternative scenarios and management strategies, influence diagrams, multi-criteria decision analysis, Bayesian decision networks, knowledge elicitation with Delphi method, sensitivity analysis, expected value of information, Bayesian updating, and translating analysis results into management recommendations.

Illustrated examples from temperate ecosystems, including coastal, freshwater wetlands, arable ecosystems, and mountain forests.


Students will understand the concepts, theories, and methodologies underlying collaborative decision analysis and structured decision making. They will also understand how this forms a basis for formal adaptive management and learning to span the science-policy interface in an iterative fashion.

Students will learn about examples where these methods and approaches have been applied in temperate ecosystems, and they will be able to apply them to a case study.
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