854318 Ordnungsplanerisches Projekt (Landschaftsplanung, Erholungsplanung, Naturschutzplanung, Raumplanung, Gewässerplanung) (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Maier-Sohn, Laura , Reinwald, Florian , Thiel, Sophie
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2024/25
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Sustainable Urban Development: Liveable Quarters, Green Infrastructures and Active Mobility on the example of Muthgasse development area in Vienna (1190 Wien).

We are happy to announce, that for the second time the course “LV 854318 Landscape planning project" (2024W) will be integrating an Erasmus BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) exchange with teachers and students from Valencia (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia UPV) and Fachhoschule Kiel!

This short-term Erasmus+ exchange programme for students and teachers has a hybrid and intensive character. In other words, it lasts less than an Erasmus semester, the work is concentrated, and it combines face-to-face and virtual learning. It is an opportunity for those who cannot or do not want to go abroad for a course or semester, but who are interested in meeting students from other countries and intensifying their knowledge in a specific area, in this case, sustainable urban planning.

Our [STUDENT BIP] is the acronym for 'Sustainable Urban Development - Liveable Quarters, Green Infrastructures and Active Mobility'. As its name suggests, we will work on the framework of sustainable urban development on the example of Vienna, focusing on the neighbourhood scale and giving importance to green infrastructures and active mobility, as two key aspects to achieve active neighbourhoods, with good urban quality, safe and supportive of the daily life of all the people who live in them or use them on a daily basis.
The most interesting thing is that we will work in an intercultural and interdisciplinary way, so you will be able to prepare yourself much better for your professional (and personal) future as you will be working in mixed teams with students from other countries and studies (engineering and urbanism).

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

- BSc degree or almost graduating from a Bachelor programme
- GIS skills are an asset
- fluent English speaking


After the completion of this project students:

- can apply specific theories of landscape planning and open space planning in a planning setting similar to this project setting.
- have tested and developed further their knowledge of planning theories
- can apply the methods applied in this project in a similar setting.
- have gained confidence in choosing an appropriate research and project design for future projects in a similar context
- can identify, analyze and contextualize legal, socio-economic and spatial aspects of similar projects
- know how to structure a project report.
- have improved their scientific writing and presentation skills
- Are able to cooperate on an international and interdisciplinary level
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