812348 Water legislation (in Eng.)
- Art
- Vorlesung
- Semesterstunden
- 1
- Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
- Hödl, Edith
- Organisation
- Hydrobiologie und Gewässermanagement
- Angeboten im Semester
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen
- Englisch
- Lehrinhalt
Legal basics and principles of European environmental law; basic knowledge of European water legislation, esp. Water Framework Directive, Flood Risk Management Directive and “Renewable Energies Directive”;
Key elements of Austrian environmental law (based on administrative public law); Austrian Water Legislation with a special focus on water management planning targets and its enforcement; remediation and precautionary instruments;
permitting regime under the Water Act (plant law);
Basics of Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment with regard to water- legislative issues.
- Lehrziel
After successful completion of this module, participants are able to:
-Explain principles of European environmental and water law;
-Know the most important water legislation documents for Europe;
-Understand and interpret the system of Austrian water legislation;
-Analyse water management planning targets and instruments;
-Know remediation and precautionary instruments;
-Discuss the permitting regime and its conflicts by means of practical examples;
-Describe and discuss the integrative approach of Environmental Impact Assessment.
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