812340 Limnology (in Eng.)
- Art
- Vorlesung und Übung
- Semesterstunden
- 2
- Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
- Krapfenbacher, Karoline , Weigelhofer, Gabriele , Hein, Thomas , Bondar-Kunze, Elisabeth
- Organisation
- Hydrobiologie und Gewässermanagement
- Angeboten im Semester
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen
- Englisch
- Lehrinhalt
Lake ecosystems: Lake types, Vertical and horizontal stratification of abiotic parameters, Mixis, food chains, interaction abiotic parameters and biota, biodiversity, etc.
Stream ecology: Longitudinal, transversal and vertical zonation, hydro-morphology, RCC, food chains
Ecosystem stability and human impacts: Effects of land use, sustainable flood protection, climate change etc. on aquatic ecosystem strucutres and functions
Resources: Limiting factors in lakes and streams, production and respiration, link to trophy and saproby
Field and Lab techniques:
•Measurement of temperature, light and oxygen with electrodes
•Sampling and identification of plankton (phyto- and zooplankton on a high taxonomic level)
•Chlorophyll a measurements
•In-field identification of phytobenthos
•Measurement of current velocity and discharge (Flow Mate)
•Determination of sediment structure and vertical hydraulic water exchange
Experiments on top-down / bottom-up effects of nutrients, organic carbon, sediment strucutre, or predators on phytoplankton growth and benthic respiration: Understanding the linkage between abiotic and biotic parameters and ecosystem processes
- Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)
No further requirements
- Lehrziel
After successful completion of this module, participants are able to:
•Analyse fundamental properties of lakes and river ecosystems;
•Apply knowledge and skills to plan and carry-out simple research investigations for analysing the interactions between organisms and the environment;
•Interpret and present research results in oral and written form (manuscript);
•Evaluate environmental factors, climate change and anthropogenic impacts on lake and stream ecosystems.
This will be achieved with group work, encompassing both theory and practical exercises.
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