953336 Global change and pest management (in Eng.)
- Art
- Vorlesung
- Semesterstunden
- 2
- Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
- Walzer, Andreas , Hoch, Gernot
- Organisation
- Pflanzenschutz
- Angeboten im Semester
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen
- Englisch
- Lehrinhalt
In the lecture we will present the global change drivers land use change, biotic invasions and climate change, which have strong implications on pest management in agriculture and forestry. We introduce the dimensions and causes of each global change driver and discuss their effects on pests in agriculture (8 units) and forestry (4 units) on the basis of scientific case studies. The detailed topics are (1) land use change: green revolution, increased use of pesticides and N-fertilizer and their effects on pest species, the loss and fragmentation of natural habitats; (2) biotic invasions: neobiota as invasive pest and weeds – pathways, risk, approaches for control; (3) Climate change: basics, effects of increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations and ambient temperatures on pest species, climate change scenarios; and (4) interaction effects between biotic invasions and climate change.
- Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)
There are no formal requirements. However, basic knowledge in ecology, forest and/or agricultural entomology and plant protection is expected. Additionally, frequent presence of the students in the lecture units significantly enables the probability to reach the learning outcomes.
- Lehrziel
The students acquire knowledge about the causes of global change and its interplay with pest management in agriculture and forestry. In detail, students understand how land use changes can affect population dynamics of pest arthropods and particularly biological control by their natural enemies. Students will be aware of the challenges arising from neobiota becoming invasive pests. They know about possible pathways, risks and control approaches; they understand how climate change could impact pest management in agriculture and forestry. They know how changes in temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric CO2 can affect host plants, herbivorous arthropods and their natural enemies as well as the trophic interactions in the system. They realize the interactions of biotic invasions and climate change affecting pest management. Finally, they are able to describe and discuss the quintessence of scientific tables and figures in publications dealing with global change and pest management.
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