894498 Improve your presentation skills I (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Oostenbrink, Chris
Molekulare Modellierung und Simulation
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2024/25
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Presenting Your Ideas, Not Only Your Slides

Getting your content the attention it deserves, because if you don’t, your audience will lose time and interest. There are a few timeless laws of public speaking that we will work on together.
The art of storytelling - focusing on the important parts of your presentation - what is a good slide - how to use your voice professionally - some essential acting rules - the right way to breathe to keep yourself calm - will be part of our workshop.
The important question for you must be - why should we listen to your lecture and not fall asleep?

The next planned course will most likely be held in WS 2021


Students will learn how to:
- Structure the content
- Open and close the talk
- Use gestures, stance, position and movement to captivate the audience
- Improve Vocal Quality
- Handle questions and difficult audience members
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