872314 Angewandte Geophysik für die Ingenieurwissenschaften (in Eng.)
- Art
- Vorlesung und Übung
- Semesterstunden
- 2
- Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
- Arndt, Rainier
- Organisation
- Angewandte Geologie
- Angeboten im Semester
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen
- Englisch
- Lehrinhalt
Near Surface Geophysics; Site Invesitagion, Landslide mapping, building industry;
The integration of Near Surface Geophysics adds scalable, non-destructive, least invasive methods for volumetric in-situ mappings or evidence preservation of geogenic materials to (your) commercial projects. Geophysics complements ground site investigation programmes usually conducted and lead by engineering geologists and/or civil engineers safeguarding geo-data of prospected construction sites.
The lecture postulates, that unforeseen geological conditions cannot be blamed for additional costs and for stretching of schedules, as usually communicated and claimed by tzhe building industry. Many of the geogenic impacting events are simply a result of inadequate geological data collection, inappropriate interpretation of available data sets or by limited geotechnical knowledge.
After a mayor revision, the "Lecture 2024" focusses on the three main geophysical methods offered by commercial and gov’tl service providers. These market relevant methods are
..... Seismics
..... Geoelctrics
..... Georadar
In addition, the lecture gives special emphasis to ÖNORM S9020 vibration measurements – a steady sore spot between building companies, local residents and municipal authorities. Beware, the black sheep is not always a black sheep. It is grey!
Other geophysical methods, such as magnetics, gravity, electromagnetics, induced polarization and self potential, are represented according to their minor role played in day-2-day geophysics.
In light of an ongoing energy transition, e.g. wind farm projects, near surface geophysics develops as a small, but valuable service provider to this national endeavor. Presented case studies will convince to deploy geophysical surveys during a state-of-art site investigation program: Not only cost saving reasons, but safeguarding geogenic evidences!
To summarize:
The lecture emphasis (i) an intensified dialogue between engineering geologists civil engineers and geophysicits = communication is always key for project success, (ii) cross disciplinary deliveries of tangible results and (iii) cost saving aspects when integrated into comprehensive site investigation programs.
Real life-case studies and narrative photos ease the understanding of the applied geophysical methods.
- Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)
)) Basic knowledge of applied physics, math, and chemistry – high school level does fine;
)) In addition, knowing basic concepts of geology and geotechnics will ease comprehension of presented case studies;
)) Commercial thinking or experience in building industries is a valuable asset to understand geophysics as cost-decreasing, but quality-increasing tool for the tight budgeted constructionendeavours - hence, it contributes also to the sustainability of infrastructure.
- Lehrziel
Selecting an appropriate geophysical method (Near Surface Geophysics) as an appropriate supporting tool for geological mappings respecting constrains outlined by resolution, finance, the overall operational theatre: Pre-determined quality levels need to be satisfied.
Mastering cross communication between geophysicists, geologist and/or civil engineers.
To develop a principle feeling for quality levels and quality control of delivered geophysical end products ....and if: What was agreed in the service contract are the deliverables worth the money and efford?
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