816404 Remote sensing hydrology (in Eng.)

Übungen und Seminar
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Schulz, Karsten , Koch, Franziska
Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2024/25
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


This course deals with remote sensing principles and application in Hydrology. The course builds on LV857101 (VU Einführung in die Fernerkundung) or similar remote sensing introduction courses, but is initially briefly reviewing the principles of remote sensing techniques, radiative transfer, and sensor technologies and applications. An emphasis will be given on hydrologically relevent topics such as “Estimation of the Surface Energy Balance”, Spatially Resolved Measurements of Evapotranspiration”, “Estimation of Snow Cover Extent and Snow Properties”, “Land Cover Classification and Change Detection”, “Estimation of River and Waterbody Stage Width and Gradients”, "DEM Topography Derivation", “Satellite Based Estimation of Precipitation” etc. Remote Sensing Hydrology will be organized as a seminar and will include practical work at the computer. Topcis covered will range from the broad area of monitoring the status of water in atmosphere, soil, vegetation, snow cover and in the water bodies itself. Based on individual needs of registered M.Sc. and PhD students, a selection of topics will be thematically grouped, reference literature as well as latest publications will be prepared in advance, presented and discussed in class.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

basic knowledge in hydrology and remote sensing


Each student fully participating in the course will gain extensive knowledge on the role of remote sensing in hydrology and will be able to select and to analyse remotely sensed data in course of his/her work. He/she will be also enabled to formulate deficit areas and acquire abilities and knowledge to bridge these gaps in a self-organised way.
The specific course objectives and learning outcomes include gaining extensive knowledge on the role of remote sensing in hydrology and understanding physical principals. Moreover, they include to be able to select and to analyse remotely sensed data by using specific key software for processing and interpreting remote sensing data, which can be very helpful for the student's thesis or future work.
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