819301 Hydraulic engineering and river basin management (in Eng.)
- Art
- Vorlesung
- Semesterstunden
- 2
- Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
- Habersack, Helmut
- Organisation
- Wasserbau, Hydraulik und Fließgewässerforschung
- Angeboten im Semester
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen
- Englisch
- Lehrinhalt
1. Legal and administrative basics
2. River basin management
3. Historical development in hydraulic engineeriing
4. River engineering, - restoration
5. Integrated flood risk management
6. Weirs
7. Hydropower
8. Navigation
9. Hydraulic engineering at lakes
10. Hydraulic Modelling
- Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)
- Lehrziel
The participants will have a comprehensive competence in the field of hydraulic engineering and river basin management. They are able to identify and analyse hydraulic engineering problems and to develop solutions. In combination with constructive practical exercises - hydropower and river planning (obligatory in the module) the participants are competent to design and plan hydraulic engineering measures.
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