25th Animal Science Days 2017 with Partner-Universities from 7 countries at Teichalm, Styria
The annual Animal Science Days are arranged by universities from Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Austria, to provide an international platform for young researchers to present their current work. The 25th conference was organized by BOKU, Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, for the first time. The remote location of Brandlucken, Teichalm, Styria, provided a perfect platform for exchange of results and ideas for more than 80 participants. A total of 58 oral and poster presentations were given, all published as full papers in Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, a SCOPUS rated journal. The contributions represent the wide range of areas in animal science, from breeding, feeding and welfare of animals to research on consumer acceptance of innovative products from local breeds.
Vice Rector Josef Glößl opened the conference and indicated the close link of this initiative to BOKU strategy related to the Danube Region as well as the CASEE network of universities, initiated by BOKU. In his final resume, Prof. Johann Sölkner indicated the traditional friendliness of this event and how this particular version helped to make neighbors even better friends.
Contact: johann.soelkner(at)
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