Die Universität für Bodenkultur Wien widmet sich in Lehre und Forschung dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit und dem Management natürlicher Ressourcen.

Alexander Titz

Dr. Alexander Titz, recently awarded with an ERC Starting Grant, will hold a VIBT seminar on June 2nd, 2017.

Dr. Alexander Titz, recently awarded with an ERC Starting Grant, studies the role of carbohydrates in disease with a focus on lectins in chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Various methods are used to analyse the role of carbohydrate-binding proteinaceous subunits of the biofilm architecture: organic synthesis of inhibitors, biochemistry and biophysics, molecular biology and microbiology. Invitation


Alexander Titz

The Chemical Glycobiology of Bacterial Infections

20. Mai 09:00 ‐

Dr. Alexander Titz, recently awarded with an ERC Starting Grant, will hold a VIBT seminar on June 2nd, 2017.

Dr. Alexander Titz, recently awarded with an ERC Starting Grant, studies the role of carbohydrates in disease with a focus on lectins in chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Various methods are used to analyse the role of carbohydrate-binding proteinaceous subunits of the biofilm architecture: organic synthesis of inhibitors, biochemistry and biophysics, molecular biology and microbiology. Invitation


Wohin die Reise geht

Bei der „17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research”, die vom Institut für Verkehrswesen der BOKU University organisiert wurde, blickten Wissenschaft und Praxis gemeinsam auf aktuelle und künftige Veränderungen in unserem Mobilitätsverhalten.

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