Die Universität für Bodenkultur Wien widmet sich in Lehre und Forschung dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit und dem Management natürlicher Ressourcen.
BioToP Conference
On June 19 and 20, 2023, the success of 12.5 years of the PhD program BioToP will be celebrated with a 2-days conference at BOKU Vienna (Campus Muthgasse). The conference is free for everyone. Talks from top-notch invited speakers, BioToP alumni as well as current students of the program, and poster sessions provide insight into state-of the-art protein research at universities and in industry. A gala dinner will allow all participants to gather and connect in a relaxed atmosphere. More information and the registration can be found at https://biotop2023.boku.ac.at
Scientific contributions in the form of talks and posters are highly welcome and can be submitted until May 22, 2023. The best poster will be awarded with an attractive prize.
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BioToP Conference
Schwimmende Aufzuchtstation LIFE-Boat4Sturgeon hat in Wien angelegt
Das Team der BOKU University kann einen weiteren Fortschritt zum Schutz der bedrohten Sterlet-Population in der Donau vermelden: Nachdem die neue Schiffsanlegestelle an der Donauinsel vor kurzem fertiggestellt wurde, konnte diese Woche das ehemalige Steintransportschiff MS Negrelli aus Linz überführt werden.