Doctoral students assiciated within collaboration projects
Michael Bruckner
(Supervisors: Markus Blaukopf, Fabian Pfrengle)
Department of Chemistry/Institute of Organic Chemistry
BOKU University
Muthgasse 18, 2nd floor
A 1190 Vienna
Mail: michael.bruckner(at)
Phone: +43-1-47654-0
Konstantin Beitl
(Supervisor: Erik Reimhult)
Department of Nanobiotechnology/Institute of Biologically Inspired Materials
BOKU University
Muthgasse 11, 2nd floor
A.1190 Vienna
Mail: konstantin.beitl(at)
Phone: +43-1-47654-0
Jakob Ender
(Supervisors Stefan Hofbauer, Christina Schäffer)
Department of Chemistry/Institute of Biochemistry
c/o Department of Bionanosciences
BOKU University
Muthgasse 11, 2nd floor
A.1190 Vienna
Mail: jakob.ender(at)
Phone: +43-1-47654-80246
Fadime Karaca, BSc., DDS
(Supervisors: Oleh Andrukhov and Christina Schäffer)
Core Facility Oral Microbiology and Hygiene
University Clinic of Dentistry
Medical University of Vienna
Sensengasse 2a
A-1090 Vienna
Mail: fadime.karaca(at)
Phone: +43-1-47654-0