Energy optimized production plant
Energy optimized production plant
In 2014, integrated energy strategies for the production site in Utzenaich/Austria were developed. The meat producer not only needs energy for refrigeration and freezing, but also heat for domestic hot water and space heating.
By using dynamic year simulation on the basis of mass and energy balances, different integrated energy strategies were calculated and compared. It was found that through consumer-side temperature level optimisations much of the condensation heat from the refrigeration system can be used when the latter is raised to a temperature level of 40 °C.
Based on an exergy analysis, an optimised integration of water heating and space heating was achieved. Compared with current standard concepts (refrigeration system with condensation temperature of 25°C, centralised DHW heating with natural gas), this integration offers economic advantages as well as environmental benefits in terms of cutting operation-related CO2equivalent emissions by half. Thanks to the cascading heat utilisation, 80% of fossil fuels can be saved.
The project demonstrates that optimised waste heat utilisation leads to sustainable CO2 emission reduction as well as economic benefits in production facilities.