VICC - Virtual Cooling Control
VICC - Virtual Cooling Control
The project VICC, funded by the Vienna Business Agency, investigates efficiency improvements in compression refrigeration systems through intelligent control strategies. Refrigeration systems consist of various units (chillers, drycoolers, pumps, etc.), most of which have their own control systems. The individual controls of the components function autonomously and optimize the operation of the components, an overall optimization of the plants is not performed.
The aim of the project is to develop a method for optimizing the efficiency of the entire refrigeration system through modeling and measurement data acquisition.
Several refrigeration plants will be measured in the course of the project. For this purpose, a networked measurement data pool based on clamp-on measuring devices communicating with each other via Raspberry PI was established. The measured data are stored and visualized in a database. Remote access allows continuous monitoring and data retrieval.
The process simulation program IPSEpro is used to model the refrigeration systems at component level and to develop system efficiency indicators. Optimization potentials can thus be made visible and virtual data points calculated. In a further step, the integration of the simulation with the building automation system as a digital twin is planned.
The project is carried out with VASKO+PARTNER INGENIEURE Ziviltechniker für Bauwesen und Verfahrenstechnik GesmbH and will run until the end of 2021.
For futher information, please contact DI Dr. Magdalena Wolf.
Vollmuth, S., 2021, "Betriebsanalyse einer wassergekühlten Kälteanlage", Master Thesis, University of Natural Resources and Lifes Sciences, Vienna.
Keller, T., Wolf, M., Beigelböck, B., Eder, K., Steininger, C., Vollmuth, S., Pröll, T., 2020, "Praxiserfahrungen bei der Performance-Bewertung von Kälteanlagen als Grundlage für die Entwicklung von intelligenten Regelungsstrategien", Deutsche Kältetechnik Tagung 2020, November 19-20, 2020.