APPLAUS - Literatur
Empfehlenswerte Bücher zum Thema Versuchsplanung
Atkinson. A.C., and V.V. Federov. 1988. Optimum Design of Experiments. In: Encyclopedia of Statistics Supplemental Volume. ed. S. Kotz, and N.I. Johnson. 107-114. New York: Wiley.
Bailey. R.A. 2008. Design of Comparative Experiments. Cambridge .Cambridge Univ. Press.
Bechhofer. R.E.. J. Kiefer., and M. Sobel 1968. Sequential Identification and Ranking Procedures. Chicago. The Univ. of Chicago Press.
Beth. T,.Jungnickel, D., and H. Lenz.. 1999. Design Theory. 2nd ed. Vol. I. Cambridge. Cambridge Univ. Press.
Calinski. T., and S. Kageyama. 2000. Block Designs: A Randomization Approach. Volume I: Analysis. Lecture Notes in Statistics 150. New York: Springer.
Calinski. T., and S. Kageyama. 2003. Block Designs: A Randomization Approach. Volume II: Design. Lecture Notes in Statistics 170. New York: Springer.
Cochran. W. G., and G. M. Cox. 1957. Experimental Designs. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley..
Colbourn. C.J., and J.H. Dinitz. eds.. 2nd ed. 2006. Handbook of Combinatorial Designs. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall
Cornell. J.A. 2000. Experiments with mixture designs. models and the analysis of mixture data. 3rd ed.. New York: Wiley.
Dey. A. 1986. Theory of Block Designs. New York: Wiley.
Dey. A., and R. Mukerjee. 1999. Fractional Factorial Plans. New York: Wiley.
Ermakov. S.M. and Zigljavski. A.A. 1987. Математическая теория оптималных экспериметов Mathematical theory of optimal experiments. Nauka. Moskwa
Fang. K.T.. Li. R. and Sudjianto. A. 2005. Design and Modeling for Computer Experiments. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press. Boca Raton
Furino. St.. Miao. Y. and J. Yin. 1996. Frames and Resolvable Designs. Constructions and Existence. CRC Press. Boca Raton
Ghosh. B.K. and Sen. P.K. 1991. Handbook of sequential analysis. M. Dekker. New York
Gibbons. J.D.; Olkin. I. and Sobel. M. 1999. Selecting and Ordering Populations. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge
Giesbrecht. F.G. and Gumpertz. M.L. 2004. Planning. Construction. and Statistical Analysis of Comparative Experiments. New York: Wiley.
Graybill.A.F. 1961. An Introduction to LinearStatistical Models. McGraw Hill. New York
Hall. M. 1986. Combinatorial Theory. 2n ed.. New York: Wiley.
Hedayat; A.S.. Sloane N.J.A. and Stufken. J. 1999. Orthogonal Arrays. Springer. New York
Hinkelmann. K. and O. Kempthorne 1994.. Design and Analysis of Experiments. Vol. 1: Introduction to Experimental Design. New York: Wiley.
Hinkelmann. K. and O. Kempthorne 2005.. Design and Analysis of Experiments. Vol. 2: Advanced Experimental Design. New York: Wiley.
Hochberg. Y. and Tamhane. A.C. 1987. Multiple Comparison Procedures. New York: Wiley.
John. J.A. 1987. Cyclic Designs. Chapman and Hall. London
John. J.A. and Williams. E.R. 1995. Cyclic and Computer Generated Designs. Chapman and Hall. London
Khuri. A. I.. Cornell. J. A. 1987. Response Surfaces: Design and Analysis. Marcel Dekker. Inc.. New York
Lehmann. E.L.1959. Testing Statistical Hypotheses. New York: Wiley.
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McLean. R. A. and Anderson. V.L.. 1984. Applied Fractional Factorial Designs. M. Dekker. New York.
Melas. V.B. 2006. Functional Approach to Optimal Experimental Design. Lecture Notes in Statistics. 184. Springer. Heidelberg. New York
Myers. R.H. 1976. Response Surface Methodology. Edwards Brothers distributors. Ann Arbor.
Liski. E.P.. Mandal. L.K.. Shah. K.R. and Sinha. B.K. 2002. Topics in Optimal Designs. Lecture Notes in Statistics 163. Springer. New York.
Melas. V..B. 2006. Functional Approach to Optimal Experimental Design; Lecture Notes in Statistics. 184. Springer. Heidelberg – New York
Montgomery. D.C. 2005. Design and Analysis of Experiments. 6-th ed.. New York: Wiley.
Pukelsheim F. 1993. Optimal Design of Experiments. New York: Wiley.
Raghavarao. D.1971. Constructions and Combinatorial Problems in Design of Experiments. New York: Wiley.
Rasch. D. 1995. Mathematische Statistik. Berlin. Heidelberg: Joh. Ambrosius Barth – Wiley.
Rasch. D. and Herrendörfer. G. Statistische Versuchsplanung. Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. Berlin
Rasch. D. and Herrendörfer. G. 1985. Experimental Designs ‑Sample Size Determination and Block Designs. Reidel Publ. Co. Dortrecht. Boston. Lancaster. Tokyo
Rasch. D.. Verdooren L.R. & Gowers. J.I. 2007.. Fundamentals in the Design and Analysis of Experiments and Surveys. Oldenbourg. München.
Rasch. D.. Herrendörfer. G.. Bock. J.. Victor. N.. & Guiard. V. 2008. Verfahrensbibliothek Versuchsplanung und ‑ auswertung. 2. verbesserte Auflage in einem Band mit CD. R. Oldenbourg Verlag München Wien .
Rasch. D.. Pilz. J. and Šimeček P. 2009. DOE: R-package for experimental design. version 1.0-0.
Rasch. D.. Pilz. J. and Šimeček P. 2010. Optimal Design of Experiments with R. Boca Raton. Chapman and Hall.
Santner. T.J.. Williams. B.J. and Notz. W.I. 2003. The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments. Springer. New York 54. Springer. New York.
Scheffé. H. 1959. The Analysis of Variance. New York: Wiley.
Schneider. B. 1994. Sequentialverfahren. unpublished manuscript
Shah. K.R. and Sinha. B.K. 1989. Theory of Optimal Designs. Lecture Notes in Statistics
Street. A.P. and D.J. 1987.. Combinatorics of Experimental Design. Clarendon Press. Oxford.
Thomas. E. 2006. Feldversuchswesen. Ulmer. Stuttgart
Wald. A. 1947. Sequential Analysis ; New York: Wiley.
Walters. F. H.. Parker. L. R.. Morgan. S. L.. Deming. S. N. 1991. Sequential Simplex Optimization. CRC Press. Boca Raton. Florida..
Whitehead. J. 1997. The Design and Analysis of Sequential Clinical Trials. 2. rev. ed.. New York: Wiley.
Williams. E.R. 2002. Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement. Matheson. Harwood.
Wu. C.F.J. and Hamada. M. 2000. Experiments: Planning. Analysis. and Parameter Design Optimization. New York: Wiley.