The Institute of Statistics at BOKU University initiates the annual Fritz Leisch Award in memory of our late head of the institute, colleague and friend, who passed away after a serious illness in April 2024. The prize will be awarded to outstanding Master's theses (in German or English) of BOKU students that use statistical methods in a methodologically sound way.

The prize will be awarded for the first time in April 2025 during a Symposium in Memory of Fritz Leisch.

The winner will have the unique opportunity to present the winning thesis during the symposium.

For the year 2025, Master's theses approved between 1 January 2022 and 31 January 2025 may be submitted electronically by 9 March 2025, together with a brief statement by the student as to why his or her work should be awarded, and a brief acknowledgement of the outstanding aspects by the supervisor.

  1. The thesis as Name-Year.pdf
  2. The 1-page student statement as Name.pdf
  3. The 1-page supervisor statement as Name-Supervisor.pdf

The award consists of a certificate, a monetary award of €500 and free participation in the symposium.