The conference is free for all ATSPB members. 

For non-members the fee is 70 € for regular participants and 30 € for students, which includes the ATSPB membership for two years.

Information for oral or poster presentations

  • Oral presentations: 20 min including time for discussion; Powerpoint (pptx) or Acrobat (pdf) formats supported and should be handed in at the conference.
  • Poster presentations: Poster format A0 portrait; mounting material will be provided.
  • All contributions should be in English.

Registration and abstract submission

Current ATSPB members are reminded to pay their membership fees (70/30€ for two years), non-members pay the same fee after completing the membership application form, to be sent per email to wolfram.weckwerth[at] 

             To register for the conference, please fill in the registration form. 

After you have finished entering your data, you will be asked to upload the abstract. If you prefer to do this at another time, make sure you have saved the upload link provided before closing the tab.

Please use the abstract template which can be found here.