IPGL Alumni

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2018
Current Institution: University of Cape Coast (Ghana)
Current Position: PhD Candidate
"My name is Dorothy Khasisi Lukhabi from Kenya. I am an environmental scientist with special bias in water quality. I posses background knowledge in quality control checks in water and wastewater resources as well as any matters relating to water quality. I am passionate about care for mother nature and I strongly advocate for sustainable utilization of natural resources, especially water whether fresh, brackish or marine... because "Every Drop Counts."
What do you love about your job?
Currently, I am working on my PhD research project where I am developing a Water Quality Index customized for estuarine ecosystems in Ghana. There is nothing that gives me joy like getting results in the laboratory when I water samples. I also enjoy sampling out there on the estuaries since it encompasses both scientific working and boat ride fun.
What do you envision for the future?
I envision a future where both the young and the old see the value of conserving natural resources. A future where everyone is mindful of our mother nature by taking into consideration the little aspects of wise use of resources that together contributes to tranforming the world.
Who is your personal superhero?
I do not have a specific person in mind as a superhero but I applaud all Women in Science who have defied all odds and gone against discrimination of all kinds, be it cultural, gender roles, racial,... These women are my inspiration and they have taught me to believe in myself and I can do much more as a woman in science just like my male counterparts.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2016
Current Institution: Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Current Position: Lecturer
"My name is David Were, from Uganda. I am currently involved in research in the water management field, with focus on understanding the relevance of natural aquatic ecosystems such as wetlands in ecosystem based climate change mitigation and adaptation. I am passionate about carrying out collaborative research, where diverse opinions converge to generate new knowledge."
What do you love about your job?
My job enables me to conduct research and disseminate findings through lectures and community outreach programmes.
What do you envision for the future?
I see myself becoming an accomplished researcher in the climate change field, especially in view of nature based solutions.
Who is your personal superhero?
Professor Kansiime. He saw great potential in me right from undergraduate level, and he has nurtured me up to PhD level.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2018
Current Institution: Pwani University
Current Position: Adjunct lecturer / PhD Researcher
"My name is Damaris Njeri Kinyua from Kenya. I am a trained marine and freshwater fisheries biologist and a conservation enthusiast. I work at the intersection of conservation science and policy and contribute to building capacity for emerging professionals, local communities and other stakeholders to address environmental challenges. I am passionate about community livelihoods and conservation research."
What do you love about your job?
I love interacting with my students at Pwani University in Kenya and fishers at various fish landing sites across the Western Indian Ocean. It inspires me to think about ways of incorporating traditional practices and local ecological knowledge in the current discourse about sustainability, economic security and social inclusion.
What do you envision for the future?
I envision equal opportunity education, improved technology access, and programs that will boost student and community development. Further, I envisage strengthened national and international research collaborations by tapping into local innovations and ecological knowledge.
Who is your personal superhero?
I consider three people; My parents, my mentors, and my daughter!! They have believed in me and encouraged me to keep pushing on; especially when I am on the verge of giving up.

IPGL Programme: UNESCO Course
Graduation: 1999
Current Institution: Kaimosi Friends University College
Current Position: Deputy Principal Academic and Students Affairs
"My name is Julius Kipkemboi from Kenya. I am currently working in a public university as an administrator. I am also the representative of Kenya to UNESCO Executive Board, member of National Scientific and Ethics committee of the Natural Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation in Kenya and the Chair of Eastern Africa Water Association. I retain my passion for teaching and research. I still teach in aquatic ecology and environmental biology. My areas of research interest are wetland ecology and management with focus on ecosystem services and human well-being innovative approaches to environmental resource management, climate change and ecosystems."
What do you love about your job?
I like making a difference even if in a small way in the people I serve. I am happy when I become part of the equation of a solution, whenever there are challenges among students and staff on academic matters. More that these I enjoy giving encouragement to my client No. 1: The student. That they can succeed in life provided that have passion, plan, the determination and desire to achieve their goals.
What do you envision for the future?
My vision for the future is to see a sustainable world where human beings live in harmony with environment.
Who is your personal superhero?
My personal superhero is my PhD supervisor, Prof. Patrick Denny, who made me develop an interest in wetlands.

IPGL Programme: Aquatic Ecosystems and Environmental Management (AEEM)
Graduation: 2020
Current Institution: Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), National Fisheries and Aquatic Life Research Center (NFALRC), Sebeta
Current Position: Researcher
"I am Getacher Beyene Estifanos from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and currently I am a MSc degree holder in Aquatic Ecosystem and Environmental Management. I am working as a researcher (with expertise in limnology) in NFALRC. I am very passionate about further advancing my professional skills in limnology via hard work, training and experiences so that I can contribute my part for conservation and sustainable utilization of aquatic resources. Specifically, I have a great interest in dealing with water quality problems like eutrophication, heavy metal pollution, over exploitation and climate change."
What do you love about your job?
I love my job because it gives me the opportunity to participate in science based problem solving activities. My co-workers also provide to me constructive criticism which pushes me to advance my knowledge. I am delighted, thrilled and fell pride to work as a researcher in such a great Research Center (NFALRC).
What do you envision for the future?
My plan for the future is to be a highly skilled researcher in limnology and aquatic science who is capable of inventing, developing and adapting advanced limnological tools and techniques useful for development and entrepreneurship in the area of aquaculture
Who is your personal superhero?
My personal super heroes are my parents who have sacrificed their comfort and overall effort for raising and educating me.

Graduation: 2009
Current Institution: Busitema University
Current Position: Lecturer and Ag. HOD
"I am Rebecca Gimbo from Uganda. I am passionate about aquatic resources and their management, earnestly pursuing more expertise in the field of wetland ecology especially the riverine-related ecosystems of tropical nature."
What do you love about your job?
Helping young people find their position in society through giving them that kind of knowledge and skills needed in an academic setting.
What do you envision for the future?
I want to be part of the efforts that contribute to the restoration and sustainable use wetland ecosystems and other aquatic ecosystems especially through research and championing information dissemination to the communities.
Who is your personal superhero?
None in particular

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2017
Current Institution: Makindi Fish Farm
Current Position: Aquaculture manager and consultant
"My name is Martha Muteti from Kenya. I am an aquaculture enthusiast and a consultant in sustainable aquaculture development currently running one of the successful aquaculture enterprises in Kenya. I am passionate about aquaculture growth and the potential there is in this fast growing sector. The fact that aquaculture can be adopted by persons in all classes of life and can contribute to food security and poverty eradication, makes it more fulfilling for me and gives e more zeal to do more."
What do you love about your job?
I love my job for fact aht it allows me spend most of my time in the field culturing fish, training and interacting with young farmers thus am able to share my knowledge and experiences directly with my fellow farmers.
What do you envision for the future?
I envision a future where aquaculture would be the main source of aquatic protein for consumers in Kenya and in the region, making it the largest employer for young people and a significant contributor to the Kenyan economy.
Who is your personal superhero?
My personal superhero is Maya Angelou. She once said "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and how you do it".

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2015
Current Institution: Government of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Current Position: Disaster risk reduction & climate change expert
"My name is Dr. Farasat Ali and I am from Western Himalayas of Pakistan known as Gilgit-Baltistan. I did my bachelors of environmental sciences from University of Peshawar, Pakistan, Master of Science in Limnology and Wetland Management under the IPGL progamme and my PhD from University of Chinese Academy of Science, China. I am research fellow of high altitude wetlands, emergent aquatic plants, sediment chemistry, wetlands biodiversity and contributed several SCI articles and reports. I really love to work on fresh water bodies to address their emerging challenges by using appropriate ecological solutions."
What do you love about your job?
I love to explore new wetlands and their socio-ecological characteristics and services to locals.
What do you envision for the future?
I want to contribute in wetlands management and conservation efforts by the government of Gilgit-Baltistan, which is home to more 5000 high altitute wetlands.
Who is your personal superhero?
I have no any specific hero; nevertheless, all those who contributed to my knowledge and skills are my superheros, viz., my teacher, friends, lab-mates and colleagues.

IPGL Programme: Aquatic Ecosystems and Environmental Management (AEEM)
Graduation: 2017
Current Institution: Addis Ababa University, College of Natural and Computational Sciences
Current Position: Lecturer
"I am Mahder Mekonnen from Ethiopia, a motivated young Aquatic Ecology Researcher. I have research experience in hospital wastewater treatment with the use of constructed wetland. I am passionate about researching and producing scientific solutions to minimize the degradation of aquatic ecosystems and for the practices of sustainable water resource utilization."
What do you love about your job?
I found it, being a teacher is the way I can help people through teaching, training and enabling to realize their dream, which is a great pleasure to me. It is also a proud to me in working in the area of water science as its basic resource for the existence of life.
What do you envision for the future?
I envision to be excellent in my PhD study which I will start in the coming October 2022 at BOKU and finally to be an excellent scietist in the world that contributes a lot to the existence of a safe, beautiful and sustainable world!
Who is your personal superhero?
My superhero remains one excellent, strong, helpful and inspirational woman who showed me to see outside the circle and grew in my academy, Dr. Adey Feleke Desta.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems
Graduation: 2005
Current Institution: Makerere University
Current Position: Senior Lecturer
"I am Dr. Nick Omondi Okello from Kenya, the Environmental Manager at Base Titanium where I am leading the technical aspects of rehabilitating and ecologically restoring the minded land."
He has over 15 years of experience within the mining sector in Kenya, Ethiopia, The Netherlands, Sierra Leone and South Africa as a leader and consultant in managing environmental risks and mainstreaming environmental issues.
What do you love about your job?
My job is about taking care of the environment. It is my passion to restore degraded ecosystems such a mine site.
What do you envision for the future?
I look forward to a future where the environment is at the forefront of major development decisions and where technological advancements help to narrow the gap between capital development and environmental conservation. We are getting there slowly.
Who is your personal superhero?
I have admired Barack Obama. He has a calm way of going about things, he is pragmatic, open minded and flexible. He also has a heart for the Environment.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems
Graduation: 2013
Current Institution: Ssenya Fish Farm, Uganda
Current Position: Technical Director
"I am a passionate aquaculture professional with over 10 years' experience in the Fisheries and aquaculture sector of East Africa. Currently, I am juggling between active fish farming at Ssenya Fish Farm and consultancies here and there." Previously an employ of National Agricultural Research Organisatzion, she worked as an aquaculture research scientist for 11 years including being the Ugandan Project Coordinator for the joint Europe - East Africa VICINAQUA project.
What do you love about your job?
Aquaculture/ fish farming sector is a first growing one with interest by the Government and other development partners. The satisfaction of fellow fish farmers and upcoming sectoral experts I touch through quality fish seed and feeds supply, and skills sharing is priceless.
What do you envision for the future?
A comprehensively developed aquaculture sector along the entire value-chain with economic, environmental and social menaing to the rural smallholder farmers, not only in Uganda but globally.
Who is your personal superhero?
Two figures propel me to do what I do and aspire for more as a philanthropist. Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta for her passion to change the livelihoods of the marginalised and Nelson Mandela Madiba for exceptional democratic leadership and wisdom.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems
Graduation: 2005
Current Institution: Makerere University
Current Position: Senior Lecturer
"I am Akoll Peter from Uganda with expertise in Aquatic Microbiology/ Parasitology focusing on microbes associated with animal diseases. I am passionate about the environment-host-pathogen nexus in disease emergence."
What do you love about your job?
Interacting with diverse but enthusiastic people and eventually finding the persons trained holding important offices.
What do you envision for the future?
Strongly networked professionals regularly sharing information and innovations.
Who is your personal superhero?
Late Prof. Yusuf Kizito for arousing my interest in Limnology and the IPGL programme.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2019
Current Institution: National Water and Sewerage Corporation (Uganda)
Current Position: Principal Quality Control Officer
"I am a female Ugandan working with National Water and Sewerage Corporation-Uganda at the Ggaba water treatment plant. I am also happy to be part of the Lake Victoria Advisory group under ACARE. My expertise is majorly in water quality control and assurance, Limnology, Greenhouse gas emissions form watersystems and constructed wetlands. I am passionate about the environment, solving water qualitychallenges, Geographical Information systems and chlimate change findings and problem solving."
What do you love about your job?
I like the practicability of my job. The fact that I am holding the lives of thousands of people in my hands keeps me on my toes and serving. I am inspired by the different innovations and challenges that I come across. As a Limnologst the different researchers I have met working on Lake Victoria have always motivated me to keep going and finding out about the Lake.
What do you envision for the future?
I envision myself as a scientist who works with others to solve challenges and better my environment. I would like to be an inspiration to many young scientists in everything I do. My bigger picture is to become a doctor and a researcher. I enviosion myself as continuing to be enthusiastic and ready to learn. I would like to leave a meaningful, sustainable and useful footprint in everything I do.
Who is your personal superhero?
My personal superhero is my mother also known as my twin sister.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems
Graduation: 2011
Current Institution: Songwe River Basin Commission (SRBC) - Tanzania and Malawi
"I am an Tanzanian National with expertise in Conservation Policy, Planning and Governance, Natural Resources Management at Systemic scale, Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction through instituting non-structural-Green Infrastructure, climate mitigation and adaptation and Landscape Restoration."
What do you love about your job?
It gives me a great pleasure to support engage scientist, practitioners, Governments and non-Government Organizations, Policymakers to develop and implement sustainable policies, coordinate and develop a balance between conservation and development and support countries in implementing SDGs on climate change, Conservation and Biodiversity, IWRM, Education and Outreach at the Transboundary Natural Resources Management context.
What do you envision for the future?
My vision is to deliver in science- policy and decision-making interphase across socio-economic, environment, political and cultural in African region through strenghtening technical and istitutional capacities for sustainable (transboundary) natural resources management at system scale through coordinated research, policy, planning and livelihood improvement to impact more lives in the Africa region.
Who is your personal superhero?
My super hero remeins one strong, tireless and inspirational woman who converted me from Big Flora and Fauna Conservation to Limnology, none the other than Professor Nzula Kitaka.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2020
Current Institution: Centre of Escellence in Biodiversity - University of Rwanda
Current Position: Research Assistant
"I am Clarisse Ishimwe from Rwanda, a motivated young aquatic scientist. Currently, I am working with the Center of Excellence in Biodiversity at the University of Rwanda as a research assistant on the project of building the Rwanda freshwater biodiversity information system. The project aims to understand patterns of biodiversity distribution, ecosystem functioning and early detection of environmental change. I am passionate about applying tools and methods to minimize the degradation of aquatic ecosystems with creative ideas to stimulate behavioral change in local communities for sustainable water resource use."
What do you love about your job?
The interactions I have with the University staff and local communities. I grow to work with diverese groups with different professional backgrounds.
What do you envision for the future?
My long-term goal is to continue my studies at the PhD level and become an aquatic ecology researcher.
Who is your personal superhero?
My parents did everything possible to raise me to this stage. They sacrificed their lives to give me the best of life.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems
Graduation: 2007
Current Institution: Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research - National Fishery and Aquatic Life Research Center
Current Position: Center Director and Senior researcher
"I am Dr. Aschalew Lakew form Ethiopia and my focus research area includes river ecology and integrity, biomonitoring, fisheries and aquaculture. My expertise focuses on biomonitoring of rivers and for the first time we adapted new biotic score (ETHbios) based on benthic macroinvertebrates for assessing highland rivers in Ethiopia. The method is applied by universities, environmental agencies and ecologists widely. I am also involved in several fishery and aquaculture researches that contribute to the sustainable production of fishery from both systems in Ethiopia"
What do you love about your job?
I found my job interesting, practical, appliable and development oriented. It gave me a chance to travel every corner of the country to identify aquatic resource potential and challenges to work on problem solving and wise utilization of the resources. I also enjoy providing practical training for graduates, fishery experts and environmentalists from different institutions.
What do you envision for the future?
Application of knowledge-based practice for sustainable utilization of aquatic resources is cucial for balanced development in the country. I am always ready to learn more from scientific community and local elders and keep giving my little knowledge to others, and see my people are benefited from sustainalbe utiliziation of aquatic resources mainly fisheries and aquaculture.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems
Graduation: 1998
Current Institution: WSS Services (Uganda) Limited
Current Position: Director
"I am an Aquatic Scientist with vast knowledge in the following areas including Limnology and Wetland Ecosystem Management and environmental aspects as regards to water. I am passionate about sustainable management of fisheries as it's the basis of understanding culture of aquatic organisms as well as teaching, research for the fisheries and aquaculture sector."
What do you love about your job?
Meeting young adults training in Fisheries and Aquaculture at undergraduate and graduate level year in year out over 20 years now since IPGL.
What do you envision for the future?
I envision to reach retirement as a Professor of Aquatic Sciences in the next 15 years having contributed to the skilled training as well as unskilled training for the fishereies sector in Uganda.
Who is your personal superhero?
My mother Mrs. Joshephine Nalwoga Ssenyonjo, she sacrificed a lot for me. A girl child to get educated altough she only attained a Diploma.

IPGL Programme: International Post Graduate Training Course in Limnology
Graduation: 1990
Current Institution: Kathmandu University
Current Position: Professor and Registrar
"My name is Subodh Sharma and I am from Nepal. Professionally I am Professor of Environmental Science & Engineering at the School of Science. Academically I have completed PhD from University of Natural Resources, Vienna, Austria. My research interests include WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) and biological assessment of water quality using macroinvertebrates. I have nearly 32 years of teaching, research and aministrative experiences at university level. I am now actively involoved in supervision of PhD and Postdoctoral students in the field of climate resilient water, sanitation and hygiene including greenhouse gas emission. I have published 64 National Level publications, 73 International publications, and has authored 3 books till date."
What do you love about your job?
Working with young students and staff with new intake each year gives me an opportunity to learn new skills and I never feel like I am getting older.
What do you envision for the future?
I envisioned future with a society that has zero tolerance to corruption and individuals with high moral values and respect to both human and nature.
Who is your personal superhero?
My personal superhero is my own son. He who encourages me to fight the battles of life and helps me in understanding the real meaning of being alive.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems
Graduation: 2011
Current Institution: Kisii University
Current Position: Lecturer
"My name is Zipporah Gichana, I was born and raised in Kisii, Kenya. I am an aquatic scientist with a strong academic and professional background in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Applied Limnology. I hold a PhD in Natural Resources and Life Sciences from BOKU University, Austria. I am passionate about women and youth empowerment to build a more equitable world."
What do you love about your job?
My job is challenging and fascinating at the same time, but what motivates me most is changing lives by impacting knowledge and that I have to constantly learn to keep up with the changing trends. It is enriching and fulfilling to listen to intelligent and passionate students discuss their hopes for change.
What do you envision for the future?
A future where quality education is accessible to all, and students will be given a clear pathway to their goals. Something I wish I had as a young student.
Who is your personal superhero?
My parents played a significant role in shaping my life. They made many sacrifices throughout their lives to give me the best life I could possibly have.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems
Graduation: 1998
Current Institution: WSS Services (Uganda) Limited
Current Position: Director
What do you love about your job?
I find it enjoyable, actually fun, to handle living managementconcepts and tools that are all aimed Sustainable Development. Every project comes with its own dimensions, different people and different approaches according to the specific project design.
What do you envision for the future?
At a personal level, I learn something new with every project I handle, and as such I see the future where I am kind of an all-rounder, and somehow continuing to contribute towards co-existence of Development and Resource Protection in harmony. As a private company we are aiming at being one of the biggest environmental Management Companies in the East African Region.
Who is your personal superhero?
My late Mother, I am who I am because of her effort in the earl stages of my life.
"I am D. Denis Byamukama from Uganda and at the moment I focus on the field of Integrated Water Resources Management, especially the new concept of Catchment Based Integrated Water Resources Manamgent. I also work a lot in the field of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, and Environmental Audits for Infrastructure Projects. I have cut a niche in Hydropower Development and other water projects."

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2017
Current Institution: World Maritime University
Current Position: PhD Student / Research Assistant
"I am Renis Auma Ojwala from Kenya, a trained and motivated Limnologist. I am passionate about fisheries, gender equality and women's empowerment in aquatic sciences more specifically marine science and fisheries. My PhD research focuses on "Gender equality in Ocean Science for Sustainable Development."
What do you love about your job?
The diversity, euqity and inclusion at workplaces. I love to see both women and men taking up leadership roles, participating in decision making positions and getting equal opportunities. I love to hear about the success stories, experiences of women scientists and how they overcome their challenges.
What do you envision for the future?
The achievement of gender equality in all sheres and at all levels in institutions dealing with aquatic or marine sciences. I want to inspire change as an educator and scientist.
Who is your personal superhero?
My fahter is my personal superhero. He made sure that all his children got basic education even in his absence through his savings.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2016
Current Institution: Otago Regional Council, Government of New Zealand
Current Position: Scientist - Freshwater Ecology
"I am Sami Khan, born and raised in Swat valley, in the north-west frontier province of Pakistan. Following earning of my masters degree in LWM, I moved to New Zealand and recently completed my PhD in freshwater sciences from the University of Otago. I am working for the government of New Zealand as a freshwater ecologist. Besides my fun job of studying and working on lakes and wetlands, I like travelling, hiking and spending time with my lovely family and dear friends."
What do you love about your job?
I like the applied nature of my job and really enjoying working closely with the communities and allied stakeholders. I am working with a team of great scientists and leaders with the goal of informing freshwater management decisions and policies form the ongoing and available research work.
From pure research to application is what I call a sweet transition.
What do you envision for the future?
In the near future I envision myself working for the Otago Regional Council towards the finalisation of National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management by 2030. However in a distant future I see myself working for the United Nation Environment Programme for the protection of planetary resources.
Who is your personal superhero?
No body :-)

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Ecosystem
Graduation: 2009
Current Institution: Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)
Current Position: Center Director, Sagana Station
"I am a Kenyian IPGL alumni with a BSc in Botany and Zoology, MSc in Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems and a PhD in Microbiology. My specialization is on Fish safety and standards, Value addition and post harvest technologies in fish, and Fish health managment in aquaculture. I am passionate about issues relating to food security in our globe."
What do you love about your job?
The fact that I am part of the solution to the many challenges that are facing aquaculture in the globe through numerous research works and development of policy briefs on aquaculture related issues. Every day is a new opportunity for me to think, create, learn and share my scientific knowledge and expertise and impact the day-to-day lives of the local communities.
What do you envision for the future?
I envision a future that provides equal opportunities for growth. More women will get the courage to come into the field and work towards sustainability in the aquaculture industry.
Who is your personal superhero?
Prof. James Njiru is my mentor. He has made it possible for me to achieve several academic and professional milestones, and this gives me the urge to pass on his mentorship.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2018
Current Institution: Directorate of Fisheries, Turkana County Government
Current Position: Deputy County Director of Fisheries
Namwaya David is a Kenyan Citizen, an ichthyologist with interest in climate change with special focus on community reliance.
"I work with the fishing community in ensuring sustainable exploitation of Lake Turkana Fishery. I am involved in the implementation of Fisheries policies, management & conservation strategies and I am passionate about fisheries management and restoration of vulnerable ecosystems."
What do you love about your job?
Working with the community in integrating science and citizen science. Working with the community in trying to provide solutions means the world to me.
What do you envision for the future?
A resilient community to climate change shocks.
Who is your personal superhero?
My science teacher in secondary education.

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2013
Current Institution: Eco Blocks & Tiles
Current Position: COO
"I am a visionary, strategic and results oriented professional whose passion is in environmental conservation and social entrepreneurship.With a solid education and over seven years experience in environmental issues, social entrepreneurship and youth advocacy, I continuously strive to be in the forefront of preventing environmental pollution, enhancing conservation and healthy communities in Kenya. I am currently pursuing my PhD studies in Hydrology and Water Quality at BOKU in Vienna."
What do you love about your job?
I get to participate in enhancing a more conserved and respected environment, create more livelihoods through its opportunities to young people and foster healthy communities at the same time.
What do you envision for the future?
I see a future where young people, professionals, scientists, entrepreneurs are involved in coming up with viable solutions for the challenges that our respective communities and our country is facing.
Who is your personal superhero?
My mum, she taught me from a very tender age that when the going gets tough you become tougher and develop a thick skin. There is no room for regret, strive to do something that makes you a better person everyday, even when people don't notice it.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2019
Current Institution: University of Florida (UF)
Current Position: Graduate Teaching assistant / PhD student
"I am a Kenyan researcher and environmental scientist specialized in Environmental Science. I am currently pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Zoology with concentration in wetland sciences at University of Florida. I am trained in SASS5 technique to monitor the health of rivers and streams as well as he is trained in environmental impact assessment, climate change and sustainable development. During my free time I enjoy doing wildlife photography and conservation related activities.""
What do you love about your job?
Teaching at University is one of my long-term career goals; therefore I enjoy teaching undergraduate students at University of Florida.
What do you envision for the future?
I would love to be a professor/ researcher in aquatic ecology field, with specialization in macroinvertebrates taxonomy, fish taxonomy, trace element and nutrient dynamics in aquatic systems.
Who is your personal superhero?
I have several superheroes who have played a role in my academia journey. They include but not limited to Dr. Stanley Makindi, Dr. Duncan Kimuyu, Dr. Thecla Mutie, Mr. Laban Njoroge, Prof Charles M'Erimba, Prof Nzula Kitaka, Prof Wolfram Graf, Prof Amanda Subalusky.

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2017
Current Institution: National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI)
Current Position: Research Officer, Stock Assessment Scientist and Programme Leader
"My name is Mark Olokotum, from Uganda, I am a Research Officer and also in my final year studying for PhD at Makerere University on "The dynamics of cyanobacteria and threats of cyanotoxins in Uganda".
I am an aquatic ecologst with vast knowledge and experience in fisheries, limnology and cyanobacteria."
What do you love about your job?
My job has exposed me to the underlying factors for sustainable management. I spearhead and undertake activities to generate regular information in the trends of the fish stocks, biomass and biodiversity. In addition to routine aquatic biodiversity assessment for all human developments to ensure "ecologcial good status/potential" and compliance with our legislations.
What do you envision for the future?
In the event of increasing demands and human occupation within our watersheds, I envisage a future where we have to embrace smart working solutions with no net ecological losses. This will require a team of professionals and stronger networking.
Who is your personal superhero?
In addition to my parents, Dr William Okello, an Alumnus who introduced me to limnology and the IPGL programme.

IPGL Programme: Tropical Limnology, 2007 & Limnology and Wetland Ecosystem, 2010
Current Institution: Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) Technical Assistance Hub - AFRICA, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Current Position: Senior Urban Sanitation Specialist
Najib Bateganya Lukooya is a Ugandan IPGL Alumni with a BSc (Biology and Chemistry) from Makerere University, an MSc in Limnology and Wetland Ecosystems and a Doctorate at BOKU, Vienna.
"I have over the past 15 years gained cumulative practical experience in developing and implementing local national and regional programs in areas of Urban Sanitation, Municipal Waste Management, Urban Environmental Health and Pollution Control, Climate Resilient Planning and Development, and Integrated Water Resources Managment for Urban Ecosystems."
What do you love about your job?
Every single working day for me is an exciting opportunity to think, create and deliver innovative solutions and resources for improving access to safe and clean water and safely managed sanitation to millions of vulnerable urban poor communities and thereby contributing to better livelihood, reduce public health risks and environmental pollution especially in urban ecosystems.
What do you envision for the future?
I aspire to be part of the decision table to inspire change and push agendas to reduce the deepening inequalities across the globe.
Who is your personal superhero?
Professionally - Assoc. Prof. Dr Henry Busulwa, who shaped my career and practically baby sited me into the water and environment profession. My special mentors include Mag. Gerold Winkler, Prof. Nzula Kitaka and Prof. Thomas Hein - Brutally honest, exceptionally kind, passionately and emotionally attached to career growth and celebrate with you every single milestone- even what you may consider insignificant!

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Ecosystems
Graduation: 2012
Current Institution: Technical University of Kenya
Current Position: Sessional Lecturer
"I am Benard Mucholwa Simiyu from Kenya. I am an aquatic ecologist, with a focus on understanding the causes and impacts of eutrophication, including the frequent occurrence of harmful algal blooms, e.g., Microcystsis in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria. I am passionate about carrying out research to increase knowledge and a deeper understanding of cyanobacteria and their toxic metabolites."
What do you love about your job?
My job provides me with a platform where I can impart my practical experience and expertise through lectures and field excursions.
What do you envision for the future?
I see myself becoming a lead researcher in the field of limnology, focusing on cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in freshwater lakes.
Who is your personal superhero?
Professor Rainer Kurmayer, from the Research Department of Limnology, University of Innsbruck, Austria. He guided and mentored me through my studies, from my Masters to PhD level. Much gratitude.

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2014
Current Institution: Kenya Wildlife Trust
Current Position: Coordinator, One Mara Research Hub
"I am Jully Senteu, a chemical engineer turned conservationist with a passion for policy. I work as the coordinator of the One Mara Research, an initiative set up two years ago to enhance communication, coordination and collaboration among various stakeholders in the Mara Ecosystem. I believe that government polices create the right environment for communities and businesses to flourish. For this to happen, we need to ensure data-driven thought leadership in our decision making processes across the board. This is partly why the OMRH was founded and we hope to have similar initiatives in other ecologically and biologically significant areas across the continent."
What do you love about your job?
I love that I get to use my scientific background to impact the day-to-day lives of local communities. There is also no better place than the Mara to work in. The wildlife densities and intricacies around how people and wildlife coexist is unique and fascinating at the same time.
What do you envision for the future?
I envision a future where each individual will have equal opportunities to pursue their dreams and achieve their highest purpose. A world that does not exploit natural resources but rather sustainably utilizes the natural capital we are gifted with in ways that foster social and economic growth as well as global peace.
Who is your personal superhero?
My maternal grandmother is my personal superhero. One day I will write her story.

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2019
Current Institution: The University of Zambia
Current Position: Lecturer and researcher in training
"My name is Namakau Muyumbana, I am from Lusaka, Zambia. I am passionate about understanding impacts of Dams and reservoirs on oxygen and greenhouse gas dynamics on the downstream ecosystem, and I would love to further understand how the changes in the water quality impact the downstream ecosystem as well as the ecosystem services. I am also developing strong interest in the use of macroinvertebrates for biomonitoring."
What do you love about your job?
The interactions I have with the students and members of the communities. It gives me chance to impact the knowledge I have and grow as an individual in terms of working in/ with diverse groups with a wide spectrum of knowledge.
What do you envision for the future?
What I envision for the future is the life that gathers everything I love, that is growing in research and writing and help other water enthusiasts grow in their potential.
Who is your personal superhero?
All the African women working in science, who have overcome barriers of gender and have displayed strength and courage telling a young woman out there that they can be whatever thy want. They are a beacon of Hope.

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2019
Current Institution: Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Current Position: Assistant Advisor for Europe
"My name is Isabel Wallnöfer, I am from Austria and currently working for the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention providing technical support. Prior to this I’ve worked at IHE Delft as a research assistant where I was involved in projects related to global wetland assessments and modelling."
I am passionate about highlighting how all of us benefit from wetlands through the myriad of essential services they provide such as clean water, regulation of greenhouse gases and cultural heritage. We desperately need to protect wetlands for our own good. I hope that many people realized in the past year how vital maintaining biodiversity is, as it helps preventing zoonotic diseases like COVID-19. I envision a future where the value of nature is the most important indicator of prosperity in our social, economic and financial systems."

IPGL Programme: Limnology and Wetland Management
Graduation: 2019
Current Institution: Fisheries Directorate, County Government of Busia, Kenya
Current Position: County Fisheries Officer
"My name is Jacob Iteba from Kenya. As a fisheries officer my duties and responsibilities include: Compiling fisheries related statistical data from field officers, analyzing and preparing reports; Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) of the fisheries resources; Undertaking fisheries extension activities and Inspecting fish and fish handling facilities at fish landing sites, markets and farms.
Am passionate about conservation and sustainable management of aquatic resources."
What do you love about your job?
My job has exposed me to technical aspects regarding fisheries resources management and I have gained insights in finding solutions towards the problems affecting the fisheries sector.
What do you envision for the future?
To employ my ability in areas that require logical and analytical thought, and my knowledge in fisheries management and limnology to address aquatic resources related issues and ultimately to be a skilled worker and a professional in this area.
Who is your personal superhero?
My Parents

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2015
Current Institution: BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria) & Egerton University (Kenya)
Current Position: PhD Student
"My name is Risper Ondiek. I'm a limnologist passionate about the sustainable utilization of wetlands."
Currently Risper is working on 'trade-offs and synergies between provisioning and regulating ecosystem services in papyrus wetlands of Lake Victoria basin, Kenya under supervision of Prof. Thomas Hein (BOKU University), Prof. Nzula Kitaka (Egerton University), Prof. Erwin Schmid (BOKU University) and Prof. Julius Kipkemboi (Egerton University).

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2018
Current Institution: Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, fisheries, water and rural Resettlement of Zimbabwe
Current Position: Fisheries Specialist
"I am passionate about fisheries and aquaculture extension. I believe in using my post to capacitate women in fisheries and aquaculture with modern sustainable practices. This would improve their livelihoods."

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2016
Current institution: I&M Bank
Current Position: Environmental and Social Risk Management Expert
"I am an enthusiastic environmental practitioner with a passion for nature, and a proud Alumni of the international LWM Masters Program"
Christine serves as an environmental and social risk expert at I&M Bank, a Financial Institution with a regional presence in East Africa. She advises both the FI and its clients on risks and opportunities in the environmental and social space, including emerging issues on climate risk management. She is passionate about solving challenges around SDG 6.3. She is the founder of Stawisha Jamii Development Initiatives; a local social enterprise organization geared towards community based solutions in the areas of clean water, climate adaptive resource use, environmental knowledge and social change.

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2020
Current Institution: University of Eldoret
Current Position: Research Assistant
"My name is Mourine Jesire Yegon, a young and passionate aquatic scientist of Kenyan origin. Passionate about Ecology of streams and rivers, environmental law, management and conservation. I strongly believe that women have a place in the male dominated aquatic research."
Mourine is currently working in Dr Frank Masese's Laboratory where she is a research assistant in the development of Kenya Invertebrate Scoring System (KISS); the first National Biotic Index that will be used in the assessment of River Ecosystem Intergrity and their Ecological status.

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2020
Current Institution: Kenya Marine and Research Institute (KMFRI)
Current Position: Research Intern
"My name is Nairuti Rita Nkirote, 29 years of age and a Kenyan citizen. Passionate about aquaculture and women in aquaculture. Strong believe that the future in aquaculture is female as more are taking up the tasks in the field."
Rita is currently working under Dr. Domitila Kyule - Center Director, KMFRI, Sagana in the Mass production of Black soldier fly and Dr. Mary Opiyo - Research Scientist, and Principal Investigator- Bioinnovate project- utilization of the black soldier fly larvae meal in fish diets.

IPGL Programme: Limnology & Wetland Management
Graduation: 2018
Current Institution: IHE-Delft, Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands
Current Position: PhD student
"My passion is the health of aquatic ecosystems, with research interest in the limnology and biogeochemical processes in lakes. I value the role of women in science and my aspiration is to become a limnologist who uses science for problem solving."
Janvière is currently doing her PhD on "Cage culture on Lake Kivu, Rwanda: Implications for the Limnology and Health of this African Great Lake" under the supervision of Dr Anne van Dam, Prof. Ken Irvine and Dr Gretchen Gettel at IHE-Delft, Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands.