EALD-Symposium 2021
EALD-Symposium 2021, BOKU Vienna
The International and Interdisciplinary Symposium 2021 of EALD (European Academy of Land Use and Development) was held from 2-4 September 2021 at BOKU
The 10th EALD Symposium was held from 2nd to 4th of September 2021 at BOKU Vienna. The presentations on the first two days were organized in a hybrid format (on-site and online) in the Ilse Wallentin-House. On 4th September, the participants visited Seestadt Aspern (urban development area) and Karl-Marx-Hof (significant example of social housing from the 1930s).
The topic of the symposium focused on planning and monitoring aspects for sustainable land use and development considering an interdisciplinary context. The presentations included legal, economic, and environmental issues; administrative arrangements; formal and informal instruments; participation; data collection and provision; etc.
The symposium was opened by the rector of BOKU, Univ.Prof. Dr. Hubert HASENAUER, and by the president of the EALD, Univ.Prof. Dr. Alexandra WEITKAMP. In total, 24 presentations were given (12 on-site and 12 online). 44 experts from 15 different countries attended the symposium (24 physically, 20 virtually). The symposium was held as an environmentally friendly event in compliance with the Vienna ÖKO-Event criteria.
Programme and Abstracts of the symposium are available at the Symposium's Homepage.

Contact Persons
Walter Seher, Assistenzprofessor Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn.
- walter.seher@boku.ac.at
- Telefon
- +43 1 47654-85510
- Fax
- +43 1 47654-85509
- Postadresse
Raumplanung, Umweltplanung und Bodenordnung
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82/DG
1190 Wien - Sprechstunde
- Sprechstunden nach Vereinbarung
- Büro
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82/DG
1190 Wien
Weiterführende Links
Reinfried Mansberger, Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn.
- wiss. Projektmitarbeiter/in
- Institut für Geomatik
- mansberger@boku.ac.at
- Telefon
- +43 1 47654-85715
- Fax
- +43 1 47654-85709
- Postadresse
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82
1190 Wien - Sprechstunde
- nach Vereinbarung
- Büro
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82/II
1190 Wien