Sustainable and Resilient Urban Mobility
Prof. Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva,
Departamento de Engenharia de Transportes,
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, University of Sao Paulo
Cities and transportation systems have experienced several changes since the introduction of motorized modes. The process was not limited to a small number of countries and the resulting impacts are both local and global. As a result, a paradigm shift focusing on the concepts of mobility and sustainable mobility started to be shaped a few decades ago as an alternative to the traditional planning views.
This course introduces some of the key concepts of sustainable urban mobility, such as indicators-based planning and resilient mobility. The contents include visions of sustainable urban mobility, visions of resilient urban mobility, new approaches to integrated land-use and transportation modeling and the role played by walking and cycling as transportation modes in urban areas.
By the end of the course, students shall be able to:
- quantitatively assess sustainable urban mobility using indicators;
- identify key factors (e.g. climate changes, fuel shortages, cost increase, user behavior) that can produce disruptions in the various urban transportation subsystems;
- assess (quantitatively and qualitatively) mobility resilience and vulnerability;
- identify associations between accessibility, equity and mobility.
In addition to lectures, team discussions based on a guided search of the literature and a practical case study (in a local neighborhood) shall be conducted.
Details about the lecture (856.049 Traffic and transport planning - selected topics) can be found via this link: