FP7 Info-Veranstaltungen

Agriculture, and Biotechnology" 25-26/06/09 , Business Base NINETEEN, 1190 Wien http://rp7.ffg.at/fafb_BION

Online-Konsultation zum neuen Rahmenprogramm "Horizon 2020"

drei Säulen gegliedert: "Excellence in the Science Base", "Industrial Leadership" und "Societal Challenges"

Logo der BeSt - Messe für Beruf Studium und Weiterbildung

BeSt³ Wien 2022

Moderiertes Gespräch mit Vertreter*innen der BOKU BASE "Tradition trifft Innovation - Studieren an der

ERASMUS+ internship at the Department of Forest Botany of Warsaw University of Life Science, Poland

the participant into her/his diploma thesis on the base of individual agreement. The internships are 3-6

APPEAR in practice_13

the nexus-approach. To build up a sound knowledge base and sufficient capacities for designing and implementing

Alpengummi, ein nachhaltiger Kaugummi

deklariert sind, sondern nur unter der Bezeichnung "gum base" (Kaumasse) angeschrieben sind. Sicher ist jedoch

Forschungsfragen zur Alpenkonvention

authorities and various relevant stakeholders. On the base of the feedback received, we will elaborate a document

7th International Scientific Conference and Anniversary on 21 June at MULS, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Degradation of its resource base and climate change threaten agricultural production

Alpengummi, ein nachhaltiger Kaugummi

deklariert sind, sondern nur unter der Bezeichnung "gum base" (Kaumasse) angeschrieben sind. Sicher ist jedoch

9th International Conference

the conference is the degradation of its resource base and climate change threatens agricultural production

Conference «Modern Agricultural Management: Theory, Methodology, and Practice», 22-23 May 2017, Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine

contributions to the development of scientific bases from ... (name and surname)” * - Unified State Register

Invitation for a research stay for PhD students at the Universidad de Concepción, Chile

support of up to $5.000.000 (around $9,000 USD) (See bases). To apply please visit our website , also if you

EUA launches TRENDS 2018 survey

education policy discussions, and improve the knowledge base on, and support for institutional developments within

REMINDER: JPI-CLIMATE & BELMONT FORUM "Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe"

national research priorities, coordinating the research base in Europe, and responding to the needs of the European

Guest Professor Diana Salciarini

practice, buildings are often designed considering the base of the structure as fixed to the ground, thus neglecting

Call for bilingual project assistant based at Agropolis, Montpellier, France

du 2 janvier 2017, à temps partiel (80%) sur une base de 35 heures par semaine, rémunération selon grille

Sediment Balance Alteration wird Significant Water Management Issue SWMI an der Donau

DanubeSediment highlight, that at the moment the data base is too incomplete to be able to set up a sediment

PhD position on the Photochemistry and Scale-up of Chemical-free Advanced Oxidation Processes by Vacuum UV Light for Water Treatment at Wetsus, The Netherlands

advise the candidate on water quality aspects. Dr Bas Wols will be responsible for the day-to-day supervision

Gesucht nach Base. Zeige Ergebnisse 41 bis 58 von 58.