Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Creating economic, ecological, and social value

Im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projektes INTRINSIC (INnovative educaTion foR sustaInable eNtrepreneurShip In Life sCiences) erarbeitet die BOKU gemeinsam mit 8 Partnerinstitutionen innovative Lehr- und Lernressourcen:
im Fokus steht dabei die systematische Förderung des „entrepreneurial mindsets“, Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten für Studierende von Life Science Universitäten mit Bezug zu nachhaltigem Unternehmertum (“Sustainable Entrepreneurship”).
Die Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) der Vereinten Nationen sind dabei der übergeordnete Kontext.

Eine offene interaktive e-Plattform und eine mobile Applikation („Connected Educator App“) soll es interessierten Lehrenden ermöglichen, sich quer über alle Life Science Universitäten in Europa vernetzen.

Weiters geht es in INTRINSIC darum, Good-Practice Beispiele für Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education an europäischen Life Science Universitäten zu sammeln, eine App zur Verfolgung von unternehmerischen Aktivitäten von Studierenden zu entwickeln, sowie ein interaktives Gestaltungs-Tool für die Lehre von Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Life Sciences sowie ein Train-the-Trainer Modul zu erarbeiten.

Insgesamt 10 geplante Webinare mit anerkannten ExpertInnen bilden eine wichtige gemeinsame Basis zum derzeitigen Stand des Wissens.

– dokumentierte Webinare

  • Doan Winkel
    »How to empower (Life Science) students to (re)discover and tackle their dreams by effective entrepreneurship education?«

    Doan Winkel is currently the John J. Kahl, Sr. Chair in Entrepreneurship, and the Director of the Muldoon Center for Entrepreneurship at John Carroll University, a co-founder of and currently President of  USASBE
    Doan's passion is giving students a voice, and motivating younger generations to tackle their dreams through creating their own careers. 
    At JCU, Doan teaches entrepreneurship courses in the entrepreneurship minor for undergraduates, and in the MBA and Master's of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs. Doan co-founded the award-winning Experiential Entrepreneurship Curriculum and brings his passion for experiential learning to every learning experience he leads.
    In his research, Doan focuses especially on entrepreneurship education. 
    This webinar will focus on how to efficiently enable students to (re)discover and tackle their dreams with regard to their own careers.

  • Andy Penaluna
    »Ways to teach and assess enterprise and entrepreneurship education at HE institutions in Europe«

    Professor Emeritus Andy Penaluna was formerly Professor of Creative Entrepreneurship at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK and Director of the International Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship. He is an acknowledged international thought leader in developing enterprising creativity through education as well as interdisciplinary entrepreneurship education that sees beyond business and management studies.
    His broad experience includes educator training in 48 countries and leading the UK’s Quality Assurance Guidance for all UK Universities, an experience that helped him to contribute to the development EU JRC’s EntreComp Framework. The UN and OECD have also regularly called upon his expertise. You find more info on the new QAA guideline here.
    Andy always acknowledges that his approach to teaching enterprise is heavily reliant on his extensive 35-year network of alumni, and that it was they who motivated him to become a more entrepreneurial educator. In this session, Andy will share some of the things he has learned from listening to others and from actively supporting those who engage in enterprise and entrepreneurship education.

  • Norris Krueger
    »Developing students’ (sustainable) entrepreneurial mindset and some ideas for its assessment«

    Norris Krueger is an expert researcher in entrepreneurial thinking and a world leading expert on how we can learn and teach to think entrepreneurially.
    Formerly, an external fellow for the Max Planck Institute for Economics, he is now Senior Research Fellow for the School for Advanced Studies for University of Phoenix (since 2014) and Senior Subject Matter Expect at OECD/EU HE Innovate and Entrepreneurship360 (since 2012).
    He has large expertise in developing (& implementing) programs and activities to nurture more innovative, creative & entrepreneurial individuals, organizations & communities (for example: Designing entrepreneurship programs & centers).
    His particular interest and experience is in promoting social & sustainable entrepreneurship. Recently he engaged in "Neuroentrepreneurship: What Can Entrepreneurship Learn from Neuroscience"
    You can find more information about his recent research at the Faculty Page at the University of Phoenix and at his personal web-page on Entrepreneurial Thinking.
    This webinar will focus on the underlying mechanisms and principles of an entreprneurial mindset, and how to support the development of such, including some ideas for its assessment.

  • Marco Rieckmann
    »Innovative Learning Approaches to foster sustainable entrepreneurship competencies with regard to the SDGs in Higher Education«

    Marco Rieckmann is Professor of Higher Education Development at the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Department of Education at the University of Vechta.
    He has a strong focus on establishing sustainability education in Higher Education, especially also related to teacher training, He also contributed to the development of the UNESCO guideline on „Education for Sustainable Development Goals“.
    Innovative learning approaches to foster sustainable entrepreneurship skills with regard to the SDGs in Higher Life Science Education“.

  • Marge Täks
    »Entrepreneurship in the digital era«

    Marge Täks is Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Management at Estonian Business School. In 2015, Marge graduated from the University of Tartu with a PhD in Education and a Doctor of Philosophy applying the integrative pedagogy model in her research in entrepreneurship education.
    Today her research is primarily related to entrepreneurship education, but also to learning and teaching in general. She also managed a nationwide program “Systematic development of entrepreneurship education at all educational levels".
    In this webinar she focusses on the effect of the digitalisation on different aspects of entrepreneurship education.
  • Elin McCallum
    »How to translate the EntreComp framework into teaching activities - the EntrCompEdu approach«

    Elin McCallum has specialised in entrepreneurial education for the past 14 years and she is co-founder of Bantani Education, a non-profit involved in developing stronger networks, and creating new ways to innovate and experiment in the area of entrepreneurial learning.
    The organisation focuses particularly on developing a creative mindset, educator skills, digital innovation and how entrepreneurial education can support active citizenship. Bantani works with a range of national and international partners including the UN and EU.
  • Dr. Colin Jones, Queensland University of Technology
    »Entrepreneurship Education – New Developments:
      Blending the Needs of Universities and Students«


    Colin Jones is Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship. Colin’s research interests include entrepreneurship and enterprise education and the application of autecology in the social sciences.
    He recently published the book "How to teach entrepreneurship".
    More interesting resources by Colin Jones on entrepreneurship education → here.
  • Prof. David Rae
    Dean, Shannon School of Business, Cape Breton University, Canada
    Exec. Dean Research & Knowledge Exchange, Bishop Grosseteste University,UK
    Professor of Enterprise, De Montfort University, UK
    Director, Enterprise Educators UK
    »How & what do people learn effectively through entrepreneurship education as a process?«

    David Rae's career and professional activities are centred around applying creative ideas to opportunities, advancing enterprise and entrepreneurship.
    He believes people’s creativity and ability to learn is at the heart of developing entrepreneurial opportunities and innovations.
    As a leader, educator, writer, researcher and practitioner, he is committed to enabling people to learn and and develop their ideas, opportunities, new knowledge, social and business venture.
    More interesting resources by Colin Jones on entrepreneurship education → here.