Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Oliver Meixner
Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Marketing & Innovation
Feistmantelstraße 4
1180 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: + 43 1 47654-73515
Fax: + 43 1 47654-73509
E-Mail: oliver.meixner(at)
Research focus
- Decision support systems: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP [tutorial here, Vers.Aug.2017], fuzzy AHP, group decisions)
- New product development, innovation management: tools, applications and methods
- Consumer behavior: discrete choice modeling, customer satisfaction, innovation adoption, variety seeking behavior
- Food supply chain: corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the food supply chain (incl. CO2 food print discussion/methodology); food trade sector (private labels, local food distribution, regional food)
AHP Tutorial (Vers.Aug.2017)
Schriftenreihe "Studien zum Marketing natürlicher Ressourcen" bei Springer Gabler, ISSN 2511-1310
(bis 2015 unter dem Reihentitel "Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Marketing & Innovation"; ISSN 2074-1022 [online]; 2074-1936 [print])
Member of the Editorial Board:
Die Bodenkultur - Austrian Journal of Agricultural Research
ISSN 0006-5471
International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process
ISSN 1936-6744
International Journal on Food System Dynamics
ISSN 1869-6945
Reviewer for ...
Journal of Applied Economics, Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Bodenkultur, ÖGA Jahrbuch, International Journal on Food System Dynamics ...
Selected projects
Model Development for Consumers’ Variety Seeking Behavior (Consumer Tracking Panel Data Analysis)
Variety seeking behavior(VSB), the human want to get offered a variety of alternatives when choosing products, was accepted in literature as partial, but nonetheless relevant explanation of varied consumer choice behavior (Berné, Múgica and Yagüe, 2001, 335). Kahn (1995, 139) states that “there has been an explosion of research” between 1985 and 1995. Yet, there was done to less research on the measurement models, the existing ones are still not able to explain VSB adequately.
The main aim of the project “Model Development for Consumers’ Variety Seeking Behavior” is therefore to get deeper insights into the motives of consumers of food products when choosing one alternative instead of another. Economists tend to simplify consumer behavior to be logical, oriented on utility (“homo oeconomicus”). Psychological advances say consumers are choosing products to attain goals (Grunert, s.a., 61). In particular, brand choice behavior was observed to differ between consumers. Moreover it is possible that consumers vary their consumption of specific products in some situations and prefer a restricted set of alternatives in others (Givon, 1984, 1). In the food sector variety is common, caused by external factors as well as internal needs (McAlister and Pessemier, 1982). We may assume that variety seeking is increasing with more product alternatives and the less the differences between products are (Haseborg and Mäßen, 1997, 165).
At the end of this project, a new, improved VSB measurement model will be available, based on the valid analysis of existing panel data, including specific household describing variables like household income, social class, socio-demographic variable, etc.
The project is funded by the “Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank”.
Global Market Study on Quality Control Systems based on X-Ray Technology in the Food Sector (Status Quo and Forecast)
The Study was finished in 2007 and based on a number of qualitative expert interviews (including experts from the whole global food supply chain). The main outcome of these interviews may lead to the assumption that X-Ray will become a more and more importance in quality control systems of food producers. The detailed results are confidential and cannot be published.
Building Trust for Quality Assurance in Emerging E-Commerce Markets in Food Chains; main work package: assessment of the importance of trust building elements in the food supply chain. The project is funded within the 6th framework program of the European Commission.