The Institute of Social Ecology at BOKU University announces an open PhD researcher position:

Material Stocks and Flows of Provisioning Systems Embedded in Global Production-Consumption Networks

The Institute of Social Ecology at BOKU University, Vienna, announces an open PhD researcher position in the field of advanced socio-metabolic modelling of stocks and flows associated with provisioning systems embedded in global production-consumption networks. This position is part of the project ‘Resilience and Malleability of Social Metabolism’ (REMASS), a 5-year collaboration among six leading Austrian research institutions, funded by the Austrian Science Fund. REMASS aims to investigate the impacts of global supply chain disruptions – caused by factors such as wars, pandemics, and climate extremes – on resource use, inequality, and social well-being.

For more information please visit the Alumni website at BOKU University.

Applications can be submitted until: 5th of August, 2024

The Institute of Social Ecology at BOKU University announces an open PhD position:

The environmental history of Austrian forest regulations, 1766-1914 (Project employment)

PhD project
We seek to fill a PhD position investigating the environmental history of Austrian forest regulations, 1766-1914. Specifically, the PhD researcher will trace the evolving “cultural programs” that shaped forest use in Austria during 1766-1914, manifested in legal regulations of forest use and management (e.g., provincial forest regulations 1766, forest act 1852 and later revisions), and the debates surrounding them. The PhD project explores how rationalized views on forest use gained dominance throughout the long 19th century. It elaborates the underlying political, scientific and economic rationales promoted by major actors, such as policy-makers, large forest owners and learned experts. Methodologically, the project relies on qualitative content analysis of historical sources, most of which are printed and available digitally and can thus be analyzed using digital history methods, such as coding or text mining.

For more information please visit the Alumni website at BOKU University.

Applications can be submitted until: 31st of August, 2024

Studentische Mitarbeit am Institut für Soziale Ökologie

Das Institut für Soziale Ökologie vergibt einmal im Jahr (Zeitraum für Bewerbungen September/Oktober), für die Dauer von cirka einem Jahr, die Stelle einer studentischen Mitarbeit. Die Tätigkeiten umfassen vor allem hilfswissenschaftliche Tätigkeiten, Zuarbeit für diverse Forschungsprojekte: Recherchetätigkeiten, Arbeiten in und mit Datenbanken, Layoutarbeiten, Unterstützung der Lehrenden, Transkription von Interviews, aber auch allegmeine administrative Unterstützung: Post, Einkauf, Protokollführung,....

Nach Durchsicht der Bewerbungen werden jene BewerberInnen, die in die engere Auswahl kommen, zu einem Gespräch eingeladen. Bei Interesse Bewerbungsunterlagen (Bewerbungs- und Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf mit Grunddaten des/der Bewerbers/in, Ausbildung, Schwerpunktsetzungen im Studium) per eMail an Katrina Wodniansky.

Institut für Soziale Ökologie
Schottenfeldgasse 29
1070 Wien, Austria

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