Lehrveranstaltungen BOKU-StartDepartment für Biotechnologie und LebensmittelwissenschaftenInstitut für Pflanzenbiotechnologie und ZellbiologieLehrveranstaltungen Diese Seite ist erreichbar unter: https://boku.ac.at/btlw/ipbt/lehrveranstaltungen https://short.boku.ac.at/ezzeev LVA-Nummer Titel ECTS LVA-Nummer TYP ECTS Titel Wintersemester 2024/25 940095 SE Protein trafficking in the early secretory pathway (in Eng.) 2 940095 SE 2 Protein trafficking in the early secretory pathway (in Eng.) 940102 SE Bachelorseminar 12 940102 SE 12 Bachelorseminar 940103 SE Pflichtpraxisseminar 3 940103 SE 3 Pflichtpraxisseminar 940106 VO Einführung in die Zellbiologie und Genetik 4 940106 VO 4 Einführung in die Zellbiologie und Genetik 940107 UE Einführung in die Zellbiologie und Genetik Übungen 1 940107 UE 1 Einführung in die Zellbiologie und Genetik Übungen 940110 UE Laborübungen Genetik für Agrarwissenschaften 3 940110 UE 3 Laborübungen Genetik für Agrarwissenschaften 940115 UE Laboratory course in molecular biology I (in Eng.) 3 940115 UE 3 Laboratory course in molecular biology I (in Eng.) 940301 VO Structure and analysis of genomes (in Eng.) 3 940301 VO 3 Structure and analysis of genomes (in Eng.) 940319 VO Cell and molecular biology I (in Eng.) 4 940319 VO 4 Cell and molecular biology I (in Eng.) 940323 UE Laboratory course in molecular biology II (in Eng.) 3 940323 UE 3 Laboratory course in molecular biology II (in Eng.) 940325 VO Cell and molecular biology II (in Eng.) 3 940325 VO 3 Cell and molecular biology II (in Eng.) 940330 SE Masterseminar 2 940330 SE 2 Masterseminar 940336 PR Exercises in molecular biology (in Eng.) 3 940336 PR 3 Exercises in molecular biology (in Eng.) 940337 PR Practical course in cell biology (in Eng.) 3 940337 PR 3 Practical course in cell biology (in Eng.) 940338 SE Seminar in cell biology (in Eng.) 2 940338 SE 2 Seminar in cell biology (in Eng.) 940340 SE Plant sensing, response and adaption to the environment (in Eng.) 2 940340 SE 2 Plant sensing, response and adaption to the environment (in Eng.) 940372 SE Pflichtpraxisseminar 3 940372 SE 3 Pflichtpraxisseminar 940373 SE Pflichtpraxisseminar (in Eng.) 3 940373 SE 3 Pflichtpraxisseminar (in Eng.) 940400 SE Dissertantenseminar 2 940400 SE 2 Dissertantenseminar 940401 VS Principles and challenges of research in socio-economics, natural resources and life sciences (in Eng.) 4 940401 VS 4 Principles and challenges of research in socio-economics, natural resources and life sciences (in Eng.) 940423 VU Plant cell technology (in Eng.) 2 940423 VU 2 Plant cell technology (in Eng.) 940424 SE Seminar AgriGenomics III (in Eng.) .5 940424 SE .5 Seminar AgriGenomics III (in Eng.) Sommersemester 2025 940018 UE Zellbiologische Übungen 3 940018 UE 3 Zellbiologische Übungen 940084 SE Posttranslational modifications and their role in plant development (in Eng.) 2 940084 SE 2 Posttranslational modifications and their role in plant development (in Eng.) 940102 SE Bachelorseminar 12 940102 SE 12 Bachelorseminar 940103 SE Pflichtpraxisseminar 3 940103 SE 3 Pflichtpraxisseminar 940104 VO Molekularbiologie für Agrarwissenschaften 3 940104 VO 3 Molekularbiologie für Agrarwissenschaften 940105 VO Introduction to molecular biology (in Eng.) 2 940105 VO 2 Introduction to molecular biology (in Eng.) 940106 VO Einführung in die Zellbiologie und Genetik 4 940106 VO 4 Einführung in die Zellbiologie und Genetik 940107 UE Einführung in die Zellbiologie und Genetik Übungen 1 940107 UE 1 Einführung in die Zellbiologie und Genetik Übungen 940110 UE Laborübungen Genetik für Agrarwissenschaften 3 940110 UE 3 Laborübungen Genetik für Agrarwissenschaften 940115 UE Laboratory course in molecular biology I (in Eng.) 3 940115 UE 3 Laboratory course in molecular biology I (in Eng.) 940307 VO Developmental genetics (in Eng.) 3 940307 VO 3 Developmental genetics (in Eng.) 940311 VO Cell biology (in Eng.) 3 940311 VO 3 Cell biology (in Eng.) 940318 SE Developmental genetics of plants (in Eng.) 3 940318 SE 3 Developmental genetics of plants (in Eng.) 940321 VO Plant molecular biology (in Eng.) 3 940321 VO 3 Plant molecular biology (in Eng.) 940322 VO Plant biochemistry and cell biology (in Eng.) 2.5 940322 VO 2.5 Plant biochemistry and cell biology (in Eng.) 940323 UE Laboratory course in molecular biology II (in Eng.) 3 940323 UE 3 Laboratory course in molecular biology II (in Eng.) 940326 VO Pathophysiology for biotechnologists (in Eng.) 2 940326 VO 2 Pathophysiology for biotechnologists (in Eng.) 940327 VO Oncology for biotechnologists (in Eng.) 2 940327 VO 2 Oncology for biotechnologists (in Eng.) 940330 SE Masterseminar 2 940330 SE 2 Masterseminar 940331 UE Cell factory - plants (in Eng.) 3 940331 UE 3 Cell factory - plants (in Eng.) 940332 SE Genetically modified organisms in the environment (in Eng.) 2 940332 SE 2 Genetically modified organisms in the environment (in Eng.) 940336 PR Exercises in molecular biology (in Eng.) 3 940336 PR 3 Exercises in molecular biology (in Eng.) 940337 PR Practical course in cell biology (in Eng.) 3 940337 PR 3 Practical course in cell biology (in Eng.) 940339 VU Methods in cell biology (in Eng.) 3 940339 VU 3 Methods in cell biology (in Eng.) 940372 SE Pflichtpraxisseminar 3 940372 SE 3 Pflichtpraxisseminar 940373 SE Pflichtpraxisseminar (in Eng.) 3 940373 SE 3 Pflichtpraxisseminar (in Eng.) 940400 SE Dissertantenseminar 2 940400 SE 2 Dissertantenseminar 940401 VS Principles and challenges of research in socio-economics, natural resources and life sciences (in Eng.) 4 940401 VS 4 Principles and challenges of research in socio-economics, natural resources and life sciences (in Eng.) 940402 VO Basic course II - biosynthesis, post-translational modifications and trafficking of recombinant proteins (in Eng.) 3 940402 VO 3 Basic course II - biosynthesis, post-translational modifications and trafficking of recombinant proteins (in Eng.) 940406 SE Seminar to basic course II - biosynthesis, post-translational modifications and trafficking of recombinant proteins (in Eng.) 1 940406 SE 1 Seminar to basic course II - biosynthesis, post-translational modifications and trafficking of recombinant proteins (in Eng.) 940412 UE Instructional course IIB - protein secretion and endocytosis (in Eng.) 3 940412 UE 3 Instructional course IIB - protein secretion and endocytosis (in Eng.) 940422 SE Doctoral seminar BioToP II (in Eng.) 1 940422 SE 1 Doctoral seminar BioToP II (in Eng.)