isotope correction toolbox - ict

The isotope correction toolbox (ict) is an efficient and easy-to-use (command-line) software tool that allows one to correct mass spectrometry data from isotope labeling experiments for naturally abundant stable isotopes. ict supports batch processing, considers the purity of the tracer, supports any labeling source and accounts for any number of isotopes. Its main advantage is its ability to deal with precursor ion fragmentation. Hence, ict can correct tandem mass spectrometry data.

ict's runtime as function of the number of tracer atoms in the precursor and the product ion.

ict's runtime as function of the number of tracer atoms in the precursor and the product ion.


ict is written in the programming language Perl and can be used on virtually all computer platforms.


ict is freely available under either the Artistic License or the GNU General Public License at GitHub.


Christian Jungreuthmayer, Stefan Neubauer, Teresa Mairinger, Jürgen Zanghellini, and Stephan Hann. ICT: isotope correction toolbox Bioinformatics 32:154 (2016). DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv514