Lehrveranstaltungen BOKU-StartDepartment für Biotechnologie und LebensmittelwissenschaftenInstitut für BioverfahrenstechnikLehrveranstaltungen Diese Seite ist erreichbar unter: https://boku.ac.at/btlw/ibse/lehrveranstaltungen https://short.boku.ac.at/2woo6v LVA-Nummer Titel ECTS LVA-Nummer TYP ECTS Titel Wintersemester 2024/25 790111 VO Plant biotechnology (in Eng.) 3 790111 VO 3 Plant biotechnology (in Eng.) Sommersemester 2025 790016 VX Biotechnology from the scratch: basic methods and technological implementation (in Eng.) 3 790016 VX 3 Biotechnology from the scratch: basic methods and technological implementation (in Eng.) 790406 VU Bioinformatics: genomics and sequencing data analysis for PhD students (in Eng.) 2 790406 VU 2 Bioinformatics: genomics and sequencing data analysis for PhD students (in Eng.) 790408 VU Basic Linux and genomics data analysis skills for PhD students (in Eng.) 2 790408 VU 2 Basic Linux and genomics data analysis skills for PhD students (in Eng.)