E-Mail: Roman Dunst

Project: Role of hydrological extremes (floods) for sediment transport and morphodynamics in the human-river system

Supervisor: Helmut Habersack, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Nikolaus Töchterle

Project: Recreational angling in the meta-ecosystem Danube – a social-ecological approach for sustainable future management

Supervisor: Gertrud Haidvogl, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

FITRIANA Farhana Sweeta 

E-Mail: Farhana Sweeta Fitriana

Project: The Impacts of Low Flow, Drought and Warming to the Functioning of River Systems

Supervisor: Gregor Laaha, Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Resources

HÖHN Tobias Michael  

E-Mail: Tobias Michael Höhn

Project: Urban metabolism, a river’s ecohydrology and industrialization: Vienna and the Danube, 1820-1914

Supervisor: Martin Schmid, Department of Economics and Social Sciences

GALYS Helena

E-Mail: Helena Galys

Project: Analysing the contribution of re-activated former watercourses towards a more sustainable transformation of industrialized riverine landscapes

Supervisor: Thomas Ertl, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Lana Židak

Project: Intermittent flow – hydrological effects and impacts on benthic communities, ecological state and functioning of riverine systems

Supervisor: Wolfram Graf, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity


E-Mail: Christian Zimmermann

Project: Material resources demand and flows of hydraulic structures to prevent societal impact of extreme events

Supervisor: Gertrud Haidvogl, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

AUHSER Alexander 

E-Mail: Alexander Auhser

Project: Hydrological and biological interactions in high alpine ecosystem under specific focus of hydropower production 

Supervisor: Wolfram Graf, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

BASOOMA Anthony 

E-Mail: Anthony Basooma

Project: Modeling biodiversity patterns in relation to network connectivity in European streams, rivers, and deltas

Supervisor: Thomas Hein, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity


E-Mail: Elise Karlsson Faudot

Project: The impact of urban settlements on organic matter and nutrient flows in industrialized riverine landscapes – What can we learn from the past?

Supervisor: Günter Langergraber, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Karl Knaebel

Project: Water transit time distributions as indicators for the vulnerability of riverine ecosystems under different pressures from social metabolism

Supervisor: Christine Stumpp, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Dominik von Spinn

Project: The effects of infrastructure development on aquatic biodiversity in river systems

Supervisor: Thomas Hein, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

HILTL Melissa

E-Mail: Melissa Hiltl

Project: Land-Water Governance for Socioecological Transformation: Catchment-based Strategic Approaches to Multi-Functional Land Use

Supervisor: Gernot Stöglehner, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Lena Junger 

Project: Culture of Risk in Spatial Planning 

Supervisor: Gernot Stöglehner, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Flavia Byekwaso 

Project: The impact of wastewater discharge on greenhouse gas fluxes and carbon storage in a tropical riverine wetland: Lubigi wetland Kampala, Uganda 

Supervisor: Thomas Hein, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity


E-Mail: Alba Canet-Martí

Project: Tracer tests and numerical models as a means to support better management of small agricultural catchments

Supervisor: Günter Langergraber, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Anna-Lisa Dittrich

Project: Impact of ship-induced waves on green and brown food webs along river shoreline zones in locations with different hydro-morphological characteristics

Supervisor: Thomas Hein, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

GCAKASI Monis Nolitha

E-Mail: Monis Nolitha Gcakasi

Project: Establishment and application of the Ti(III) reduction method for analysis of nitrogen isotopes in water samples at BOKU

Supervisor: Christine Stumpp, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

GITTO Aurora

E-Mail: Aurora Gitto 

Project: Improving the identification of waterborne bacteria in Austrian groundwater using MALDI-TOF-MS

Supervisor: Thomas Ertl, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

HÖVEL Adriane  

E-Mail: Adriane Hövel 

Project: Towards repeatable catchment experiments: Influence of hydro-meteorological variables on the runoff response at the catchment scale

Supervisor: Christine Stumpp, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Eva Kaminsky

Project: The impact of water temperature increase on water quality in urban shallow groundwater bodies 

Supervisor: Christine Stumpp, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

KOWAL Johannes

E-Mail: Johannes Kowal

Project: Impacts of connectivity changes on river meta-ecosystems

Supervisor: Thomas Hein, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

MERL Kevin

E-Mail: Kevin Merl

Project: Impact of hydropower on river morphology and juvenile fish in Alpine river systems

Supervisor: Stefan Schmutz, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity


E-Mail: Jakob Neuburg

Project: Quantifying the unseen – an assessment of the bottom dwelling fish fauna in the Austrian Danube

Supervisor: Stefan Schmutz, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

PASTER Michael 

E-Mail: Michael Paster 

Project: Fluvial sediment budget out of balance. An effect of climate change and anthropogenic influence on rivers

Supervisor: Christoph Hauer, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Lisa Schmalfuß

Project: Exploring the Impacts of Recent Industrial Revolutions on Industrialized Riverine Landscapes

Supervisor: Christoph Hauer, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

STERN Philipp 

E-Mail: Philipp Stern

Project: Climate Change Adaptation Through the Use of Captured Urban Streams Supported by Nature-Based Stormwater Management

Supervisor: Thomas Ertl, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

TÓTH Márton 

E-Mail: Márton Tóth 

Project: Long-Term impacts of the agricultural management systems on soil degradation and hydrological processes

Supervisor: Christine Stumpp, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

TÜRK Hatice

E-Mail: Hatice Türk

Project: Towards repeatable catchment experiments (REPEAT) An advanced understanding of catchment water transit times under varying hydrometeorological conditions 

Supervisor: Christine Stumpp, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

YEGON Mourine 

E-Mail: Mourine Yegon

Project: Exploring Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning Relationships of Leaf Litter Decomposition in Streams

Supervisor: Wolfram Graf, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity


BALDAN Damiano

Project within HR21:

Modeling multi-scaled effectiveness of nature based solutions in river systems

Supervisor: Thomas Hein, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

EDER Markus 

Project within HR21:
Floodplains and their importance for flood risk reduction, ecology and socio-economics 

Supervisor: Helmut Habersack, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


Project within HR21:
Effects of climate change on tolerance levels of river sediment contamination induced by point and nonpoint sources 

Supervisor: Christoph Hauer, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

ONDIEK Risper Ajwang'  

Project within HR21:
Influence of land use/cover change on provisioning and regulating ecosystem services in a papyrus wetland in the Lake Victoria Basin in Kenya  

Supervisor: Thomas Hein, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

PUCHER Bernhard

Project within HR21:
Vertical greening systems as a technology to enhance greywater reuse in the built environment 

Supervisor: Günter Langergraber, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

PUCHER Matthias

Project within HR21:
Organic carbon cycling in streams: process understanding and impacts of agriculture and droughts

Supervisor: Thomas Hein, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity


Project within HR21:
An Interdisciplinary Planning Process for Stormwater Management on a River Catchment Scale - Using Modelling as a Tool

Supervisor: Thomas Ertl, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


Project within HR21:
Effects of floodplain restoration on nutrient retention and ecosystem services on reach and catchment scale 

Supervisor: Thomas Hein, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity


Project within HR21:
The partitioning and processes of reactive nitrogen emissions under scenarios of anthropogenic changes in agricultural watersheds 

Supervisor: Karsten Schulz, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure