The ELLS Scientific Student Conference also offers specific workshops for students and recent graduates that help you to develop your personal capacities and to build your career.

Please register now for ONE of the trainings!

Workshop 1: „How to publish in a inter- and transdisciplinary journal. The example of GAIA“

November 21 2020     15:00- 16:00 

GAIA is a peer-reviewed inter- and transdisciplinary journal for scientists concerned with the causes and analyses of sustainability problems and their solutions. GAIA’s Managing Editor Tobias Mickler will give insights into the aims and scope of the journal as well as the review process.

Trainer: Tobias Mickler (GAIA)

Workshop 2: „The one minute elevator pitch“

November 21 2020     15:00- 16:00 

In this 1 hour webinar you will learn how to pitch your idea/research topic in a 1 minute ' elevator pitch'.  By using 'a simple 8-step framework' you will be able to convince people to fall in love with your ideas.

Trainer: Jelle De Wit works as a performer / theatremaker in Belgium, the Netherlands & Germany. He is based in Berlin and gives workshops in physical theatre and Pitching / Public Speaking in companies. 

Workshop 3:  "Discover your personal strengths and leverage them in professional life"

November 21 2020     15:00- 16:00 

What are your strengths? What are the things you are really good at? How much are you using them for your success and happiness? According to the science of positive psychology, engaging your strengths more leads to more wellbeing, confidence, resilience, and better results. Knowing your strengths also helps you present yourself in a more impactful way.Join us for this workshop and discover how to leverage your strengths more!

Trainer: Mirna Smidt (Trainers Toolbox and Happiness Academy)

Workshop 4: Mental Health in the workplace

November 21  15:00 - 16:00 

After this short online training, you will be able to make positive decisions when it comes to your own level of stress and performance.This includes what kind of culture is needed for humans to feel at their best and what kind of decisions need to be taken individually and collectively to get there. You will understand how to set healthy boundaries and realize how you can flourish within your work environment.

Trainer: Andre Phillipe Lauer
André has more than 8 years of experience as a trainer. Besides that, he is a coach and certified functional nutrition guide who looks at every moment in life as a chance to make a healthy decision. He is on a mission to create healthier environments for individuals and organizations through better education on health topics. 

How to register?

Registration for the online training sessions will be opened from November 10 and will be accessible via the conference platform expo-ip. Please note, participation in the online training sessions is only possible for participants of the Online ELLS Scientific Student Conference.


  • Teaser image: Designed by / Freepik
  • Image: Workshop 1: GAIA oekom verlag -
  • Image: Workshop 2: Jelle de Wit
  • Image: Workshop 3: Mirna Schmidt -