ELLS Scientific Student Conference

The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, thank all students and staff members from ELLS universities who joined the ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2020 taking place from November 20 to 21.
The aim of this conference was to encourage students student within the field of Life Sciences to engage with one another, exchange ideas and discuss their own research related to the topic ‘The World of Tomorrow – A Green and Sustainable Society’ and the four subthemes elaborated below.
The conference was held online for the first time and students from all over the world used this unique opportunity for networking.
Thank you for joining - your contribution made this conference an event to remember!
The conference conference platform (for registered participants only) is still open until December 10.
Change the world from your apartement!
The Scientific Student Conference is a conference for students and young aspiring scientist to present their work, broaden their knowledge and experience scientific conferences and discussions.
During this conference students will be the ones that present their work. The best presenters will be awarded with prizes.
Several additional side events and social activities that foster networking and exchange amongst students and researchers will refine the event.
The ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2020 offers a wide array of activities for participants to discuss, network and exchange. Have a look at our programme to find out more about it.
Green innovation and technology
Greening of the European economy has been identified as one of the foremost objectives of the current EU Commission. Within this subtheme we call for contributions towards innovation and technology for a greener economy, including innovative sustainable technological solutions, innovative engineering ideas, and related business models that support an eco-friendly environment, covering aspects such as natural energy resources, green energy, hydropower, biotechnology, natural resources management, genetic engineering, bioinformatics, and digital solutions.
Circular and bio based economy
Circular and bio based economy has been advocated as one of the pillars of sustainable development. This subtheme is dedicated to discuss its perspectives and limitations and to present related case studies covering different facets such as, entrepreneurship, management strategies, green start-ups, and tools for transitioning from linear economy/non-bio based to bio based economy.
Rural and urban development for thriving communities
Urban sprawl and uncontrolled development of rural communities has created numerous problems for spatial planning and the environment, including excessive soil sealing, additional traffic and need for infrastructure, loss of shops and other supplies in the city centers. We welcome contributions on assessment, concepts and best-practice examples for a more sustainable development of communities in urban and rural areas, covering aspects such as landscape planning, green housing, urban farming, region developing projects, biodiversity in city areas, waste and water management (recycling), governance, forestry, and land use changes.
Food and health for the next generation
Food security and safety are of major concern in modern societies. Moreover, food systems interact with other sectors such as health, agriculture and environment. Shifting to healthy diets could have direct impact on crop production systems and related impacts on climate change, biodiversity and soil degradation. This subtheme is dedicated to discuss interactions of food and health systems with crop production and environment, and to identify sustainable solutions for farming, animal breeding, plant production, plant protection, food security, clean water access, phytomedicine, resistance of antibiotics, other health topics, and biomedicine.
BSc, MSc and first-year PhD students (at the time of submission of the abstract) of universities affiliated to the
Step 1: Submit your abstract - Abstract Submission has closed!
We invite you to submit your abstract before June 15, 2020 (23:59 CEST).
The best abstracts will be chosen and those students will be given the opportunity to present their research in an oral presentation or poster presentation, including a poster pitch.
Step 2: Abstract review
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee (scientists from ELLS member Universities) in July 2020.
Authors will be notified beginning of September whether their abstract has been accepted. Notification of final assignment (oral presentation or poster presentation) will follow in due course.
Step 3: Registration as presenter or audience member
After confirmation of your participation you have to register for the conference via this website.
Registration will open on September 4th. If you did not submit an abstract or if your abstract was rejected you may also participate as an audience member.
Participation fee: free of charge
Prize money: The best oral presententations per subtheme will receive € 500 each as prize money. The best poster presentations per subtheme will receive € 250 each as prize money.
Technical information: The conference will be held virtually. We are currently in the reorganization process. Further information will be published soon.