Vol 42 / 2
Die Bodenkultur - Volume 42 / issue 2
A. HANSCHMANN, S. MÜLLER and B. BRIX: Nutrient Balances in Lysimeter Experiments on Lightly Loamed Sand, Loess and Loamy Soils at the Leipzig Site |
K.-U. HEYLAND and A. HAMBÜCHEN: Long Term Development of a Population of Heterodera schachtii (Schmidt) Influenced by Production Methods |
W. Holzner: Weed-Types A Classification of Ruderals and Segetals Using Complex Biological-Ecological Criteria Part two: The Dominant Perennials |
E. KREUZ and H.-J. HAMANN: Management Measures by Silo-maize Cultivation Part 1: Effects of Dung Manuring and Soil Herbicid Application on Maize Yield and Corn Aftercrops Yield by Ploughless Tillage |
F. LETTNER, W. WETSCHEREK and H. KRAUTSACK: The Influence of the Storing-Time from Dried Skimmilk on the Performance of Fattening Calves |
H. NEURURER, A. GENEAD and W. STEINMAYR: Potentiality for Soil Erosion Control and Improving Plant Production in Arid Zones 1st Communication: Laboratory and Electron Microscopic Investigations of Soil Stabilizers and Evaporation Inhibitors |
S. M. ULLAH and M. H. GERZABEK: Influence of Fulvic and Humic Acids on Cu- and V-Toxicity to Zea meys (L.) |
W. WETSCHEREK, W. ZOLLITSCH and G. I. WETSCHEREK-SEIPELT: Use of Enzymes in Diets for Broiler Chickens |