All persons who are assigned to an organisational unit are also shown in the BOKUweb under this organisational unit.

  • Changes to persons in various systems are automatically updated in the BOKUweb.
  • Updates to the list of persons are made twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

By the next day changes should also have been transferred to BOKUweb.

Control display of persons at the OrgEh

Those responsible [EDV-V] for IT have the possibility to control the display of persons at the organisational unit (OrgEh):

  1. show or hide persons in BOKUweb
  2. display persons as "other academically active persons" [weitere wissenschaftlich tätige Personen] in BOKUweb

In addition to the options of the EDV-Vs, each user has the possibility to add additional information to his or her business card:

  • Additional information in person detail view

1. show or hide persons in BOKUweb

EDV-Vs have the possibility to individually show or hide persons in the list of persons in the BOKUweb via the BOKU Accountmanager. It is also possible to determine the period of time for which the list is shown or hidden.

Hint: These options only affect the automated lists of persons, but not the person sliders [Personen-Slider] on the organisational unit start page.

persons in BOKUweb via BOKU account manager

Show or hide persons in BOKUweb via BOKU account manager.

hide persons

Please contact your EDV-V in this regard. She*he can set a corresponding check mark here in the BOKU account manager.

add persons to the list of persons

Here you also have to contact your EDV-V. Via a manual assignment in the BOKU account manager, she*he can show additional persons in the list of persons in the BOKUweb.

2. show persons as "other scientifically active persons" in the BOKUweb

EDV-Vs also have the option of assigning persons of the organisational unit to the group "other academically active persons" [weitere wissenschaftlich tätige Personen]. This also happens via a tick in the account manager.

Check the box via BOKU account manager

Check the box via BOKU account manager.

Display in the BOKUweb frontend

Display in the BOKUweb frontend.

Additional information in person detail view

In the detailed view of the persons, it is also possible to enter an additional info [Zusätzliche Info].

  1. Edit your personal business card in BOKUonline and fill in the field "additional info".
  2. DThis change will then automatically – after the synchronisation of the systems – also be applied to the BOKUweb.
People detail view

step 1: personal business card in BOKUonline, fill in the field Additional info"

Additional Info BOKUonline

step 2: change is then made automatically