
Scanning options
for BOKU members
Scannen mit BOKUprint-Multifunktionsgeräten
- Format up to A3
- Resolution up to 600dpi
- Paper feeder allows automatic scanning of whole paper stacks
- Info and instructions:
Hochauflösende Scanner in PC-Räumen der BOKU-IT Medienstelle
- Especially intended for high-resolution scans of photos or slides
- Format up to A4
- Resolution up to 4800dpi
- Scanning of slides is possible, a respective adapter can be obtained from the BOKU-IT Medida Department staff at ILWA.
- no paper feed available
- For more information see: PC rooms of BOKU-IT Medienstelle
BOKU Scanners of the University Library (UB)
- Digitizing and scanning of books, magazines, photographs, maps, etc. possible.
- Format up to A2
- The color book scanners are located in the copy room of the main library (Exnerhaus) and can be used during the opening hours of the UB after prior registration at the information desk.
- Info: