BOKUcard for Students

Brief Description
Electronic Student Card - Issuing, Renewing, Reissuing.
The BOKUcard is a chip card. It represents an electronic student ID in credit card format that is both human and electronically readable.
How do students obtain their BOKUcard
At the time of their initial admission to BOKU new students obtain their BOKUcard at the registration office "Studienservices").
- At pre-registration for the study program at BOKU, please type in your personal data and upload a photo as a jpg file.
- At registration any missing data will be added or corrected and you will obtain your BOKUcard at the registration office.
- This BOKUcard is initially invalid. After your registration is complete and you receive notification you can activate your BOKUcard at the prolongation terminals. Your BOKUcard will then be valid until the end of the semester.
Functions of the BOKUcard for students
Fore the time being, students can use their BOKUcards for the following functions and applications only:
- Students' ID card
- Price reduction in the students'cafeteria ("Mensa")
- BOKU library services
- Logon for printing on public printers
- Login for credit top-up at the BOKUprint cash dispensers
More functions and applications may be added later. Then you will find the appropriate information here.