Forgotten Password?

Brief Description
What to do when you have forgotten the password for your BOKU account.
Here is information on what to do when you have forgotten the password for your BOKU account:
- as a student, make an appointment online via:
and come in person to the BOKU-IT Hotline with your student ID or an official photo ID:
BOKU-IT Hotline
- as a staff member, if you personally know the IT manager of your department, please contact him/her. Otherwise, please come to the IT-Hotline and bring photo identification.
For a new PIN code, you can individually reset your password using your new PIN code The procedure is identical to the one explained in "Create an Account", regardless of whether the IT manager or IT Hotline provides the PIN code. In this case, the PIN code is directly handed over to you since you cannot access your emails without the password.
Redeem the PIN Code
Redeeming the PIN code
To redeem the PIN code, follow the instructions under "Activate Account". BOKUonline recognizes when a PIN code has been issued to an already existing account and redirects you to the password forgotten process.