Enrolment confirmations in BOKUonline
Active students can print out the most important documents themselves from BOKUonline. There are two applications available with the following documents for this purpose:
Academic record
- Transcript of records
- Academic record
- Academic record for the Family Allowance Act (FLAG)
- Course of studies/list of modules
Enrolment confirmations
- Student record sheet
- Enrolment confirmations
- Study period confirmation
After logging into BOKUonline you will find the "Transcripts" link and the "Enrolment documents" link.
Enrolment confirmations for former students
Self-service printing is only possible for students with an active BOKU account.
If you do not have an active BOKU account, please contact the Study Services Department to access your documents.
Valid documents/digital signature
The following documents can be signed with a digital signature and therefore do not require a personal signature, despite automatic creation:
- Transcript of records
- Academic record
- Academic record for the Family Allowance Act (FLAG)
To provide a digital signature, proceed as follows:
- First "Create a valid document"
- Select "Download" ("Print" shows you the same document NOT digitally signed)