Office Core Facility Food & Bio Processing

Office Core Facility Food & Bio Processing

Email: fbp(at)

Dipl.-Ing. Roland Pöttschacher

Dipl.-Ing. Roland Pöttschacher

Head of BOKU Core Facility Food & Bio Processing

Email: roland.poettschacher(at)
Phone: +43 1 47654-35022

Dipl.-Ing. Heidrun Kroat

Dipl.-Ing. Heidrun Kroat

Food technician & Deputy head

Email: heidrun.kroat(at)
Phone: +43 1 47654-35024

Tobias Schacherl

Food technician

Email: tobias.schacherl(at)

Phone: +43 1 47654-35024

Ing. Lukas Steiner, MSc

Ing. Lukas Steiner, MSc

Food technician

Email: lukas.steiner(at)

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henry Jäger

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henry Jäger

Scientific head of BOKU Core Facility Food & Bio Processing

Professor of Food Technology, Department of Food Science and Technology


Dr.nat.techn. Denisse Bender

Dr.nat.techn. Denisse Bender

Deputy scientific head of BOKU Core Facility Food & Bio Processing

Senior Scientist, Working Group Food Physics, Department of Food Science and Technology


Advisory Board

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Christoph Pfeiffer (BOKU, Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering, Chair)

Prof. Dr. Konrad Domig (BOKU, Department of Food Science and Technology, Deputy)

Ass. Prof. Dr. Felix Schottroff (BOKU, Department of Food Science and Technology, Food Process Engineering)

Dr. Martina Zederbauer (ecoplus Food Cluster of Lower Austria)

Dr. Volker Lammers (German Institute for Food Technology - DIL e.V.)

Dr. Kemal Aganovic (German Institute for Food Technology - DIL e.V.)

Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Schmidtgrabmer (Innov8 GmbH)


Where to find us

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

Armin Szilvinyi Haus("Muthgasse II")
Muthgasse 18, second floor, 02/60 (Secretariat)
A-1190 Wien

Google maps

  • Coming from the U4 metro station “Heiligenstadt”, take the exit “Muthgasse”.
  • On the street, turn right and follow the street for 150 m.
  • Take the entrance to BOKU building “Armin Szilvinyi Haus (Muthgasse II)” on your left hand side.
  • Take the elevator to the second floor.
  • Turn right and go straight ahead until you reach the office 02/03.