The DAGZ is engaged in the curriculum for the BachelorprogrammeAgriculturalSciences and FoodScienceandBiotechnology as well as teaching classicalgenetics, moleculargenetics and cellbiology and organizes practical courses for these subjects.
For the MasterprogrammesinAgriculturalSciences we offer specialized courses for moleculargenetics, fungalgenetics, cellbiology, plantbiotechnology and plantprotection. In the MasterprogrammesBiotechnology and FoodScienceandTechnology we organize courses for molecularbiology, cellbiology, fungalgenetics and plantgenetics.
Overall, we teach modern technologies and concepts in the areas of genetics, epigenetics, molecular and cellularbiology. Our research groups offer attractivetopicsformastertheses to BOKUstudents as well as incominggueststudentsfromERASMUS or other internationalprogrammes and we supervisedoctoralprojects.