Here you can find Austrian research funders that support Open Science and also require data management plans, in some cases depending on the call. The information is listed with the funding bodies as well as, if available, the link to the Research Data Policy.

Since the costs for data management can be offset by most funding bodies, a calculation must already be provided in the project application.

Therefore, please feel free to contact us already in your application phase. We can draw your attention to possible cost factors for your data management.

FWF - Austrian Science Fund

Open access for research data

The FWF requires a data management plan for all projects approved after January 1, 2019. This must be submitted together with the FWF funding application for an approved project and is accordingly a requirement for the start of the project. After uploading to elane, the FWF's electronic application portal, the DMP will be checked for completeness before the project starts.

Costs for research data management, processing, archiving and subsequent use of the research data can be requested as part of the funding application.

FWF DMP template and guidelines

The DMP guide and template can be downloaded from the following link (für die englische Version wechseln Sie bitte auf die englische FWF-Website):

DMP guidance and template (docx, 49KB) (in English)
DMP-Leitfaden und Vorlage (docx, 48KB) (in German)

FWF information pages:

Open Access Policy

Open Access to Research Data

Research Data Management


Open Access to Publications

The Following applies to projects approved after 31.12.2020:

In accordance with the Berlin Declaration and Plan S of cOAlition S, the FWF requires all project leaders and project participants to make their peer-reviewed publications that have resulted in whole or in part from FWF-funded projects openly accessible on the Internet.

FWF information pages:

Open Access to Peer-reviewed Publications


FFG - The Austrian Research Promotion Agency

There is no Open Science Policy on the part of the FFG. Depending on the call for proposals, data management plans are required or reference is made to the importance of research data management.

However, the FFG sees the important role of Open Science initiatives, as Open Science enables the reproduction of research results as well as transparency in research methodology and increases the social relevance of research.

More information at: (only in German)


WWTF - Vienna Science and Technology Fund

Since March 2022, the Open Science Policy of the WWTF applies to all projects that were announced and submitted after 09.03.2022. The WWTF is committed to Open Science and encourages the applicants to comply with the FAIR principles for research data. The Open Science Policy is seen as an evolution of the Open Access regime, with an increased focus on Open Data.

The policy states that compliance with the FAIR principles is the responsibility of the grantees and that they are to be applied wherever possible. However, it explicitly does not require a blanket publication of all research data! Costs for Open Science can be claimed in the project application!

The details of Open Science are specified in the specifications of the individual calls for proposals.

Open Access and Open Science Policy


ÖAW - Austrian Academy of Sciences

In the go!digital program, research data must be made available in suitable repositories for the first time. In this program, it is also one of the objectives to "ensure sustainability as well as availability of data and tools".

In other programs and grants, reference is sometimes made only to the importance of accessing research data via repositories.

Costs for making research data accessible and open access publication can be claimed as material costs. In the general funding guidelines, reference is made to the Open Access Policy of the ÖAW. However, the Open Access Policy is only a recommendation and not an obligation to publish in open access media.

Open Access Policy

In other regional and national programs, Open Data and a data management plan has not been mandatory until now.


Further information on national funding programmes can be found here (LOGIN required): 




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