ERASMUS+ grant for staff

Within the framework of an Erasmus+ grant for Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs), BOKU employees can receive the following grants:

  •     For 1-14 days stay: between 105-180 Euro/day, depending on the country.

  •     from 15-30 days: 73-126 Euro/day, depending on the country

  •     Travel subsidy: 1 travel day before and 1 travel day after mobility can be subsidized by individual support

  •     Green Travel: in case of environmentally friendly travel mode, up to four additional days can be subsidized by the individual support, if necessary

  •     Inclusion support: reimbursement of real costs for participants with disabilities/chronic illness. This refers to additional expenses incurred in the context of mobility of persons with disabilities

  •     Funding rates: Please refer to the following document on pages 6 and 7 for exact funding rates.


  •     Only "mobile" participants will receive an Erasmus+ grant, i.e. participants from the host institution will not receive an Erasmus+ grant.

  •     There is no legal entitlement to the grant. The award is subject to budget availability.

When do I receive the funds?

You will receive the Erasmus+ grants after the end of the stay and after submission of all final documents.

The real cost inclusion support, can also be paid before the start of the BIP upon presentation of the supporting documents.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.