Erasmus+ Staff Training, Ireland /English for the educational workplace / courses every month from Jan 2024 on at Atlantic Language School Galway

A course designed to help you to use English in your workplace, writing emails, interacting with colleagues and students, making presentations, and finding the right language for professional situations.

  • Enhance the skills needed to effectively work in an international educational environment
  • Learn how to write emails and reports, give presentation and speaking on the phone
  • Develop fluency and enable a better understanding

Find further information in the course catalogue

Further information on the website

If you are interested in applying for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ training), please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

July 2024

August 2024

Erasmus+ Staff Training, Germany / Generative AI - More efficiency in everyday office life / 19-23 August 2024, Münster | Application deadline: 28 June 2024

Everyone is talking about AI. But when you listen to them, it seems like they are talking about another planet, or at least an unknown language? But somehow you know: there's a lot of potential in this AI thing... If you take a closer look, you'll find out two things:

  1. It's neither a planet nor a language - it's just two dozen words to learn and you'll feel much more comfortable and confident.
  2. Yes, there is a lot of potential in AI, especially generative AI for your everyday office work. It's never been easier to brainstorm, find information, create text, images or video. And there is much more to discover.

The workshop is designed for people who have little or no knowledge of generative AI, but want to explore and use it's potential. We will do this by going through different tools and exploring how they work and where they can be used in everyday office life. Tools explored: ChatGPT and Perplexity (with a brief look at Gemini, Llama and Claude), Dall-E, Midjourney and Canva (for image and brochure design),, Renderforest and CapCut (to design videos) and finally Microsoft Copilot for Office applications.

Whom does it address? Employees in university administration and researchers interested in AI-applications.

Further information on the training programme

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

Erasmus+ Staff training, Czech Republic / Emotional Intelligence training week / 26-30 August 2024 at Masaryk University, Brno | Application deadline: 18 August 2024

The modern times we are living in have been emotionally challenging and the effects of stress and life's difficulties are increasingly visible. People are often unable to deal with their feelings, not speaking of seeking help when facing mental health challenges. All feelings and emotions are needed and valid. There is no right or wrong. No negative or positive. Even on the academic (and any work-related) landscape, success goes beyond technical skills and IQ. Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) is the game-changer. Through Emotional intelligence staff week members are going to learn to recognize and to develop inner resources in order to create transformational and sustainable environments for supporting yourself in personal, social and professional life with focus on emotional intelligence.

Further information on the staff training week

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

September 2024

Erasmus+ Staff Training, Italy / Lake Garda Sustainability Retreat / 3-5 September 2024 at European Institute for Academic and Professional Development | Application deadline: 26 August 2024

This unique experience focuses on understanding systems, systemic change, and a comprehensive approach to sustainability. The aim is to foster European connections and drive sustainability initiatives, especially in academic institutions.

The program covers environmental, social, and economic sustainability through interactive activities. Together, participants will identify sustainability issues and develop practical solutions for positive change.

Further information on the staff training programme

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.


Oktober 2024

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme, Romania / Fostering Life Sciences Connections for a Sustainable One Health Future / 7-11 October 2024 at USAMV, Bucharest | Application deadline: 19 July 2024

The staff week will be organised as a BIP program so it will also have a virtual part enabling participants to meet each other. The staff week will give the participants the opportunity to discover the university, Bucharest and not only.
The main key points of the BIP are:

  • Mobility location: 5 days in Bucharest - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania
  • Accommodation included, on Campus - 12km from the airport and 4km from the city center
  • Romanian dinner & dance
  • Field trip to “Moara Domnească” Research & Development Station for Agronomy
  • Bucharest city tour (Palace of Parliament visit included)
  • Field trip to “Pietroasa-Istrița” Research & Development Station for Viticulture, including a Romanian wine workshop and Muddy Volcanoes visit
  • Cultural Landmark Trip - Sinaia, Peleș Castle (optional, on Saturday, 12 October)

Here is the link to register

Further information on the programme
BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

Erasmus+ International Week, Portugal / Active Learning and Teaching Methodologies – ESG/IPCA International Week / 7-9 October 2024 at Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave | Application deadline: 6 September 2024

The primary objective of this International Week is to provide a platform for stakeholders of Higher Education Institutions to exchange ideas and discuss common concerns in the field of Active Learning and Teaching Methodologies. The focus will be on Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Volunteering. This event is open to all areas of knowledge, such as Management, Law, Engineering, Design, and Tourism. The International Week will feature a three-day programme comprising a Research Seminar, panels, workshops, and meetings, all focused on the same topic. Academia, business, and governmental entities' perspectives will be presented during the International Week discussions.

Further information on the international week

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

Erasmus+ Staff Week, Italy / Erasmus+ & International Mobility /14-18 October at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | Application deadline: 21 June 2024

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II announces a new staff international week scheduled from 14-18 October 2024.

Please find further information on the preliminary programme

Register by 21 June 2024 at the following link

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) in higher education / 15-16 October 2024 at Université Savoie Mont Blanc | Application deadline: 21 July 2024

The STEAM Staff Week will be held at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) on 15-16 October 2024. This event is designed to bring together teachers and educational developers to share knowledge and enhance our collective expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) in Higher Education.

The program will mainly focus on the fundamental principles and the design methodology of STEAM, the appropriateness of interdisciplinarity in this educational approach and its benefits in higher education.

Further information on the staff training

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

Erasmus+ Staff Training, Spain / SDG Good Practices in Tenerife / 21-24 October 2024 at Tenerife Job Training | Application deadline: 7 October 2024

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

The 17 SDGs are integrated—they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. Tenerife is one of the eight Canary Islands, considered EU peripheral region. Discover during this training in a practical way, how Tenerife is adapting to the United Nations SDG, the fragile environment, challenges, innovation and projects in this remote region of the Atlantic Ocean.

During the four days training in Tenerife the participants will discover the actions and projects that Tenerife is following towards gender equity, accessibility, regenerative economy, good health and well-being, and renewable energies.

Every single day participants travel around to discover in different locations, visiting institutions, companies, associations and stakeholders cooperating and sharing best practices on sustainable tourism, regenerative tourism, conscious hiking, and integrating society.


This training course is designed for any member of an educational organisation: trainers, school management, administration staff, school/university teachers, marketing advisors, Erasmus+ Project Managers, International Offices staff, etc.

Further information on the staff training programme

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries

Staff Week, Portugal / Promoting Open Innovation in HEIs / 21-25 October 2024 at University of Porto | Application deadline: 31 May 2024

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) play a crucial role in promoting and fostering open innovation due to their extensive research capabilities, academic expertise, and diverse talent pool.

Support services in HEIs provide a range of services and resources that enable and enhance open innovation activities. They facilitate technology transfer, provide start-up support, connect researchers with external partners, secure funding, offer training programs, manage intellectual property rights, and promote open innovation within and outside the university. These services play a critical role in creating an enabling environment for open innovation to thrive and contribute to societal and economic impact.

In this first Edition, the participants of the Promoting Open Innovation in HEIs Staff Week will have the opportunity to attend:

•    International expert panel discussions/ Speaker series
•    Workshop and training sessions
•    Knowledge sharing sessions
•    Site visits and field trips
•    Other networking activities

Application deadline: 31 May 2024

Further information on this staff training week

If you are interested in applying for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ training mobility) please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries

November 2024

Erasmus+ Staff Training, Belgium / Lump sum funding in Erasmus+ projects: practice, lessons, impact / 13-15 November 2024 at Ghent University | Application deadline: 13 September 2024

In the current Erasmus+ Programme 2021-27 the lump sum funding model was introduced for most project opportunities. This funding model has an impact on all phases of the project cycle. The model was introduced with the aim of reducing the administrative burden in managing such projects, reducing the risk of errors in administration, and thus also simplifying access to financing for a larger number of organizations. While this change offers opportunities, several challenges in the application for and implementation of Erasmus+ projects remain: legal aspects, different interpretations and also diverging practices.

Further information on the staff training

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

December 2024

Erasmus+ Staff Week, Germany / The road to digitalization in Higher Education / 2-6 December 2024 at Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences | Application deadline: 30 September 2024

The staff week will emphasize not only the challenges that digitalization has proven to be for universities but also on the benefits of digital teaching and learning and the paths it opens up for dealing with societal changes and challenges. It will be rounded off with a cultural programme, tasty "Glühwein" and the opportunity to get to know our students.  

Further information on the programme

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.