INTERNATIONAL WEEKS an Europäischen Universitäten/BOKU Partneruniversitäten

"International Weeks" oder "Staff Training Weeks" werden von europäischen Unis bzw. BOKU Partneruniversitäten organisiert und themenspezifisch angeboten. Das Programm dauert meist eine Woche und wird oft für bestimmte Zielgruppen angeboten, z.B. Bibliotheks-, PR-, Rechnungswesen-, Personalmanagement-Mitarbeiter*innen, uvm. Solche Staff Trainings ermöglichen einen intensiven Austausch mit europäischen Kolleg*innen und das Kennenlernen von anderen Universitäten in Europa. Teilweise sind diese Wochen auch mit einem Sprachtraining kombiniert. Aufenthalts- und Reisekosten können über das Erasmus+ Staff Training Programm gedeckt werden.

SUCHE nach Staff Trainings und International Weeks:

Über die europäische Plattform Imotion kann nach Staff Training Weeks europaweit gezielt gesucht werden. Die Webseite entstand im Rahmen eines Erasmus-Projekts des UNICA Netzwerks (IMOTION project - Integration and Promotion of Staff Training Courses at Universities across Europe).

Erasmus+ Staff Training, Ireland /English for the educational workplace / courses every month from Jan 2024 on at Atlantic Language School Galway

A course designed to help you to use English in your workplace, writing emails, interacting with colleagues and students, making presentations, and finding the right language for professional situations.

  • Enhance the skills needed to effectively work in an international educational environment
  • Learn how to write emails and reports, give presentation and speaking on the phone
  • Develop fluency and enable a better understanding

Find further information in the course catalogue

Further information on the website

If you are interested in applying for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ training), please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

July 2024

Staff Training, Lithuania / Productivity management for education staff / 1-5 July 2024 at Vilnius Business College | Application deadline: 24 May 2024

This course aims to give practical strategies for increasing productivity, develop habits to be more organized, how to stay mentally on task and eliminate the to-dos you have floating in your head; and how to develop a time budget to get the most done during your workday and focus on your most valuable activities.

Application deadline: 24 May 2024

Further information on the programme

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

Application deadline: 30 April 2023 | 10-14 July at Masaryk University

The Creativity in Teaching Summer School is designed for teachers and lecturers at universities and in Higher Education institutions who want to make an effective use of creative thinking in their teaching practice; broaden their teaching styles in in-person, hybrid and online settings; increase student motivation for learning; gain deeper insight into theories of creativity applicable for teaching; reflect on their teaching practice.

What to expect?
The Creativity in Teaching Summer School workshops are highly experiential, requiring everybody to participate in individual and group activities. The programme includes topics such as:

  • What are creative situations?
  • Who can be creative?
  • Which processes in teaching and learning are creative?
  • Which creativity theories can be useful for teaching?
  • How to work with barriers to creativity in in-person, hybrid and online settings?
  • How to use authentic materials in in-person, hybrid and online settings?
  • How to make students more engaged in their learning in in-person, hybrid and online settings?
  • How to organise creative courses in in-person, hybrid and online settings?
  • How to deal with activities focused on individual areas in in-person, hybrid and online settings?
  • What is creative feedback and assessment?

Early bird application: 30 April 2023

Further information

If you are interested in applying for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (training), please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries, M.A.



Baltic Summer University / Lithuanian Language and Culture Course for staff members & students /6 July – 4 August 2024 at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania | Application deadline: 1 March 2024

From 6 July till 4 August 2024 Lithuanian Language and Culture Summer Course 2024 (8 ECTS) will be organized at Vytautas Magnus University. 4 weeks participants will study one Lithuanian language level, attend sociocultural lectures related to Lithuanian studies, go on several fieldtrips and visit a significant number of cultural attractions.
Applicants can apply for an online course or for a contact course in Kaunas or for a contact course in Vilnius. For foreigners there are 29 funded places meaning that selected participants will take part in an online course and in a contact course free of charge plus those who join the course in Kaunas or Vilnius will receive a scholarship of EUR 825,00 in order to cover travel, accommodation and catering expenses.

Further information

If you are BOKU staff member interested in applying for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff mobility) please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

Staff Training, Czech Republic / Creativity in Teaching - transform your teaching, ignite creativity / 8-12 July 2024 at Masaryk University Brno | Application deadline: 9 June 2024

This program is designed for teachers and lecturers at universities and in Higher Education institutions, offering an innovative platform to:

  • Infuse creativity into your teaching methodologies.
  • Diversify your instructional styles across various formats.
  • Increase student engagement and motivation.
  • Gain profound insights into creativity theories and their practical applications in education.
  • Innovate with creative materials and techniques tailored for diverse teaching environments.
  • Reflect and grow in your pedagogical approach.

Application deadline:  9 June 2024

Further information on the staff training programme

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.


7th International Staff Week, Greece / Interaction & promotion among partner universities, practical Greek learning experience, exchange programmes and good practices, cultural activities /8-12 July 2024 at University of Thessaly | Application de

The University of Thessaly kindly invites to its 7th International Staff Week from 8-12 July 2024 in Volos, Greece. This is an excellent opportunity to share knowledge, promote the idea of internationalization, and strengthen partnerships through meeting in person.

In the span of these 5 days, the participants will have the opportunity to share their good practices, to interact with the representatives of several European & International Universities and promote their own, to be introduced to the Greek Language & Culture and get the relevant certificate, to get information about exchange programmes, and to participate to the planned cultural activities.

There is a registration fee of 250 EUR, which covers the trip to the monastic community of Meteora (all meals included), the visits to the two university campuses in the city of Larissa, the trip to the Pelion Mountain (coffee and brunch included), and all the conference expenses (material and coffee/brunch breaks included).

Participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation expenses, and they are kindly asked to make a short presentation (video, PowerPoint etc.) about their University (no more than 3 minutes).

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.


August 2024

Erasmus+ Staff Training, Germany / Generative AI - More efficiency in everyday office life / 19-23 August 2024, Münster | Application deadline: 28 June 2024

Everyone is talking about AI. But when you listen to them, it seems like they are talking about another planet, or at least an unknown language? But somehow you know: there's a lot of potential in this AI thing... If you take a closer look, you'll find out two things:

  1. It's neither a planet nor a language - it's just two dozen words to learn and you'll feel much more comfortable and confident.
  2. Yes, there is a lot of potential in AI, especially generative AI for your everyday office work. It's never been easier to brainstorm, find information, create text, images or video. And there is much more to discover.

The workshop is designed for people who have little or no knowledge of generative AI, but want to explore and use it's potential. We will do this by going through different tools and exploring how they work and where they can be used in everyday office life. Tools explored: ChatGPT and Perplexity (with a brief look at Gemini, Llama and Claude), Dall-E, Midjourney and Canva (for image and brochure design),, Renderforest and CapCut (to design videos) and finally Microsoft Copilot for Office applications.

Whom does it address? Employees in university administration and researchers interested in AI-applications.

Further information on the training programme

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

September 2024

Oktober 2024

Erasmus+ Staff Week, Italy / Erasmus+ & International Mobility /14-18 October at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | Application deadline: 21 June 2024

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II announces a new staff international week scheduled from 14-18 October 2024.

Please find further information on the preliminary programme

Register by 21 June 2024 at the following link

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) in higher education / 15-16 October 2024 at Université Savoie Mont Blanc | Application deadline: 21 July 2024

The STEAM Staff Week will be held at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) on 15-16 October 2024. This event is designed to bring together teachers and educational developers to share knowledge and enhance our collective expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) in Higher Education.

The program will mainly focus on the fundamental principles and the design methodology of STEAM, the appropriateness of interdisciplinarity in this educational approach and its benefits in higher education.

Further information on the staff training

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

Trainings- und Kooperationsaktivität, Polen / Health E+Motions – International Seminar on Mental Health health in short and long-term international mobility projects / 15.-18. Oktober 2024 in Warschau | Bewerbungsfrist: 14. Juni 2024

Von 15.-18.10.2024 findet in Warschau das TCA  “Health E+Motions – International Seminar on Mental Health health in short and long-term international mobility projects“ für alle Erasmus+ Bildungsbereiche statt.
Inhalte und Ziele:
“The Health E+motions Seminar is an informative and interactive programme that brings together individuals who have participated in and facilitated, short and long-term international mobility projects under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programme. The seminar serves as a tool for mapping mental health-related challenges that emerge during projects. The Health E+motions Seminar is an opportunity for organisations and project leaders from various sectors to come together and collaborate on the topic of mental health in mobility learning. Participants will engage in group discussions, workshops, and expert talks to share knowledge and best practices for promoting well-being. The seminar also offers networking opportunities for potential partnership-building collaborations. Overall, the event aims to empower attendees to take positive steps toward improving mental health practices within mobility projects in their respective fields. The program will prioritize the mental health of beneficiaries involved in long and short-term mobilities across all sectors of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programs. It will also provide participants with a space to develop their well-being practice through experiential activities.”
“Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries in Erasmus+”
Es steht eine begrenzte Anzahl an Plätzen zur Verfügung.
Die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung, die im Rahmen von TCA stattfindet, wird aus Mitteln der Europäischen Union bezuschusst. Kosten, die vor Ort im Rahmen des Seminars anfallen (Unterkunft, Verpflegung, sonstiges Programm), werden direkt von den Veranstaltern übernommen. Für die An- und Abreise ist selbst Sorge zu tragen, eine Rückerstattung der Reisekosten kann bei erfolgter Teilnahme im Nachhinein bei der österreichischen nationalen Agentur unter Vorlage der entsprechenden Nachweise und Belege beantragt werden.
Bei Interesse an einer Teilnahme bitten wir Sie Gudrun Reisinger von BOKU-International Relations zu informieren und sich bis spätestens Fr, 14.06.2024 über folgendes Online-Formular zu bewerben. Sie werden nach der Auswertung der eingelangten Bewerbungen vonseiten des OeADs kontaktiert und erfahren, ob Sie einen Platz für das TCA erhalten haben.

Weitere Infos zum TCA-Angebot

Erasmus+ Staff Training, Spain / SDG Good Practices in Tenerife / 21-24 October 2024 at Tenerife Job Training | Application deadline: 7 October 2024

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

The 17 SDGs are integrated—they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. Tenerife is one of the eight Canary Islands, considered EU peripheral region. Discover during this training in a practical way, how Tenerife is adapting to the United Nations SDG, the fragile environment, challenges, innovation and projects in this remote region of the Atlantic Ocean.

During the four days training in Tenerife the participants will discover the actions and projects that Tenerife is following towards gender equity, accessibility, regenerative economy, good health and well-being, and renewable energies.

Every single day participants travel around to discover in different locations, visiting institutions, companies, associations and stakeholders cooperating and sharing best practices on sustainable tourism, regenerative tourism, conscious hiking, and integrating society.


This training course is designed for any member of an educational organisation: trainers, school management, administration staff, school/university teachers, marketing advisors, Erasmus+ Project Managers, International Offices staff, etc.

Further information on the staff training programme

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries

Staff Week, Portugal / Promoting Open Innovation in HEIs / 21-25 October 2024 at University of Porto | Application deadline: 31 May 2024

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) play a crucial role in promoting and fostering open innovation due to their extensive research capabilities, academic expertise, and diverse talent pool.

Support services in HEIs provide a range of services and resources that enable and enhance open innovation activities. They facilitate technology transfer, provide start-up support, connect researchers with external partners, secure funding, offer training programs, manage intellectual property rights, and promote open innovation within and outside the university. These services play a critical role in creating an enabling environment for open innovation to thrive and contribute to societal and economic impact.

In this first Edition, the participants of the Promoting Open Innovation in HEIs Staff Week will have the opportunity to attend:

•    International expert panel discussions/ Speaker series
•    Workshop and training sessions
•    Knowledge sharing sessions
•    Site visits and field trips
•    Other networking activities

Application deadline: 31 May 2024

Further information on this staff training week

If you are interested in applying for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ training mobility) please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries

November 2023

Erasmus+ Staff Training, Belgium / Lump sum funding in Erasmus+ projects: practice, lessons, impact / 13-15 November 2024 at Ghent University | Application deadline: 13 September 2024

In the current Erasmus+ Programme 2021-27 the lump sum funding model was introduced for most project opportunities. This funding model has an impact on all phases of the project cycle. The model was introduced with the aim of reducing the administrative burden in managing such projects, reducing the risk of errors in administration, and thus also simplifying access to financing for a larger number of organizations. While this change offers opportunities, several challenges in the application for and implementation of Erasmus+ projects remain: legal aspects, different interpretations and also diverging practices.

Further information on the staff training

BOKU staff members can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility support (Erasmus+ staff training mobility). Please check the website and contact Nicolas Ben Fries.

December 2024