Course registration
During the admission at the Study services, you get a pin code for BOKUonline.
If you pay the student union fee with your cash card, you can activate your BOKUonline-account immediately afterwards.
BOKUonline is also the platform where you have to register for courses. You can find further information on the course search here.
Please consider:
- When and where are my courses?
- Are there any overlaps (especially for excursions, seminars and practices)?
If yes, which courses can I take instead? - see "Scheduled Dates" at the course description at BOKUonline
It is not always a problem when courses overlap – particularly for lectures it is sometimes unavoidable (especially with lectures = Vorlesungen - information on course types) - Exchange students: If necessary, you can change your Learning Agreement within the first 5 weeks of the semester.
Important: Register as soon as possible – some courses (excursions, seminars, practices,…) can be full very quickly.
Of course we highly recommend that you attend all classes of the courses that you register for.
Yet, course overlaps are quite common at BOKU (especially at Master level and if you do not strictly follow one curriculum). Therefore, it is important to check which courses require absolute attendance and which don't.
Lectures (VO): If you have to miss classes /leave early or come late regulary, please talk to the teacher about it in advance!
The most important functions of BOKUonline:
- Registration for lectures
- Registration for exams
Further functions of BOKUonline:
- Lectures
- Curriculum
- Schedule
- Calendar for students
- Exams
- Reports
- People
- Organisation
- Accounts
- Rooms etc.
Further information:
- Contents of lectures are available without registration. The registration for lectures and exams, however, is only possible with a valid BOKU-Account.
- During the “Welcome Days” for international students there is an introduction to BOKUonline offered.