What is an ERASMUS+ Traineeship
The ERASMUS+ programme supports traineeships of 2 to 12 months in companies, educational and research institutions or other organisations.
PhD students can also do a short-term research stay - 5-30 days (student status at BOKU only possible for stays longer than 2 weeks).
Also several departments/institutes at BOKU welcome trainees for an ERASMUS+ traineeship. You could e.g. work in a laboratory or work on the realization of research projects.
The ERASMUS+ traineeship is based on a contract called Learning Agreement for Traineeships. It is concluded between you (= the student = trainee), the home university and the department/institute at BOKU, where you do the traineeship.
Employment as trainee at BOKU is only possible, if your traineeship is recognised by the home university.
First, you have to apply at your home university for an ERASMUS+ traineeship scholarship, secondly you look for a traineeship offer at BOKU. At our university ERASMUS trainees are also enrolled as students, after having completed an online application.
BOKU-International Relations helps ERASMUS+ trainees who have applied online with general and administrative questions (accommodation, registration at the university, first steps in Vienna, ...)
What are the advantages of an ERASMUS+ traineeship?
- recognition of the traineeship
- working experience abroad
- improvement of language skills
- intercultural competences
- contacts to companies and new friends in Europe
The entitlements and obligations of Erasmus+ students are summarized in the Erasmus+ Student Charter by the European Commission.
*The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.