Continously/ about 6 months before the placement starts - look for a placement position at BOKU.

Further information:

As soon as possible - make a room reservation. Wintersemester (October-January): In July most dormitories are booked out, recommended places are gone earlier (April, May). Summer semester: until mid of January. If you plan an internship in summer only, you can apply for a room at shorter notice.

Please find all important information to plan your stay (courses, calendar visa,...) at

3 months to 4 weeks before your arrival - online application. Please find all important information at

As soon as we have accepted your application, we will send you an

where all important first steps are summed up.

If you arrive at semester start at BOKU, we cordially invite you to the

2 weeks before your stay ends, we will send you a 

*The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.