How to apply
Supported by the European Union*
At our university Erasmus+ trainees are registered as exchange students, if they fullfill the requirements below.
Exchange students
- have access to the BOKU facilities
- get a liability and accidental insurance and
- get several student discounts.
The application for an ERASMUS+ traineeship at BOKU (A WIEN03) consists of 3 steps:
- Application for an ERASMUS+ traineeship at your home university
- Find a place at a department/institute at BOKU and make a learning agreement for the traineeship
Online application at BOKU (mandatory for all Erasmus trainees at BOKU)
You can only apply online, when you have found a place at a department/institute at BOKU and when the Learning Agreement for Traineeship is signed.
The online application should be completed at the latest 4 weeks before your arrival.
Information on personal data processing
Student status / Registration at BOKU University
At our university Erasmus+ trainees are registered as exchange students, if they fullfill the following requirements:
- a valid student status at the home university during the traineeship period
- Trainees who have received less than 180 ECTS so far (bachelor students, students of integrated master programmes,…) have to prove German language skills at level B2 of the Common European Framework of languages (even if the language of the traineeship is English)
- Trainees who gained more than 180 ECTS in their study (or in consecutive studies) or hold a bachelor or master degree (certificate!) have to prove either German OR English language skills at level B2 of the Common European Framework of languages
- At least 30 days of the traineeship have to take place during BOKU's semesters [Academic Calendar] (without summer holidays) -> Students who do their traineeship between July and September and finish it before October 31 only are not eligible
You do not fullfill these requirements?
You can still complete your traineeship at BOKU, if your BOKU supervisor agrees to host Erasmus+ trainees without student status.
(BOKU-International Relations is not in charge of trainees without student status).
In any case, you have to make the online application.
Application and Registration Periods
Please be aware that the application periods for the Erasmus traineeship at BOKU differ from the registration periods for the student status at the university.
You can start your traineeship and make the online application basically all year round. The online application should be completed at the latest 4 weeks before your arrival.
The registration at the university is only possible within several months:
- for winter semester 2024/25: 18th June until 5th September; additional period of registration until October 31
- for summer semester 2025: 7th January until 5th February; additional period of registration until March 31
-> If you start your traineeship between 1st April and mid of June, you can only register on June 18th.
-> If you start your traineeship between 1st November and 6th January, you can only register on 7th January.
Please be aware that you can only register at the university, if at least one month of your traineeship takes place during BOKU's semesters [Academic Calendar] (without summer holidays). That means that you can not get a student status, if you do your traineeship in July, August and September and end it before October 31.
Liability and Accidental Insurance
As soon as you are registered at BOKU and have paid the student union fee, you automatically get a liability and accidental insurance.
Provider: Generali Versicherung AG; Policy Nr. for the accidental insurance: 000-1809-6819, Policy Nr. for the liability insurance: 000-1810-4297 (combined insurance for all students registered at an Austrian university)
Attention! You have to provide your own liability and accidental insurance for any traineeship-period that you are not registered as a student at BOKU (to be shown to your supervisor upon arrival).
Application Documents
All Erasmus trainees at BOKU are required to make the online application.
BOKU-International Relations will then check, if you are eligible for a student status. Only students who are eligible for a student status at BOKU will be asked to upload the following documents to our online application sytem Mobility-Online:
- your learning agreement for traineeships, filled out and signed by you, the coordinator of your home university and the department/institute at BOKU, where you will do your traineeship - see also information at "How to find a place at BOKU"
- your academic transcript stating the total number of ECTS credit points that you have received (an official list of courses you have attended so far)
- a copy of your bachelor’s degree certificate if you are at master level. If you have gained more than 180 ECTS in your study (or in consecutive studies) but your home university does not award a bachelor degree after 180 ECTS, an official confirmation that you have passed 180 ECTS issued by your home university is sufficient (including the date of the last exam).
- a copy of your Master’s degree certificate if you are at PhD level
- a copy of a German language certificate at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Languages – CEFR if you have received less than 180 ECTS so far (it is also ok if language certificate is indicated on the transcript of records)
- a copy of a German OR English language certificate at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Languages – CEFR if you have received more than 180 ECTS so far (it is also ok if language certificate is indicated on the transcript of records)
- a copy of your ID-card (e.g. passport, page with your picture)
- a passport-sized photograph
BOKU might take up to 20 days to check your application. After your application has been accepted you will receive
- a confirmation e-mail with some basic information and a checklist for the arrival
- the letter of admission (Zulassungsschreiben), which will be uploaded to the online application system
You will need this letter of admission as well as a valid passport/identity card in order to register at our university after your arrival in Vienna (please check the information on registration periods and insurance)
In the letter of admission you will find a link to an online pre-registration that you should complete prior to your arrival.
Link to the online application
*The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Possibility of appeal
Appeal process for applicants whose Erasmus+ incoming application at BOKU has not been accepted.
Applicants can contact their Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinators within 7 days after receiving the rejection letter with an appeal if they believe that their application has been unlawfully rejected.
In this case, the applicant must send an email with detailed reasons to erasmustoboku(at) The Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinators will deal with this appeal as soon as possible. It should be noted that applications are usually rejected if the admission requirements for a temporary admission are not met or if documents submitted are incomplete.