The ÖH Students' Insurance

insurance illustration

insurance illustration

By paying the students union fee (ÖH-Beitrag) you automatically possess insurance against accidents and civil liability.

The ÖH Students' Insurance
Have you knocked over an expensive device in the university lab? Crashed into a glass door or accidentally destroyed a computer at BOKU? Broken a leg on a USI (University Sports Institute) skiing trip? Fortunately, it's not as bad as you might think, at least from a financial point of view. 70 cents out of your ÖH membership fee go towards a comprehensive liability and accident insurance with the Generali Insurance Company covering (almost) all possible scenarios. The ÖH has been offering this special service for all members for many years, always endeavouring to make the insurance coverage as comprehensive as possible.

Generali Insurances

If you have questions concerning the content of the contract - for example, whether a specific incident is covered by the insurance policy or not – you can call the free ÖH-Info-Hotline at Generali Insurances on
0800/204 4400 (in Austria)
+43 (1) 204 4400 (from abroad)

Your insurance-related contact person within the ÖH can best be reached by email at

Health Insurance

For students with bilateral health insurance agreements
Students and visiting researchers from EU/EEA countries who are in possession of a valid national health insurance in their home country need the European Health Insurance Card or E102 form, which you should get BEFORE your departure to Vienna from the appropriate authority in your home country.

If you have a valid national health insurance in a country that has concluded a health insurance agreement with Austria (at the moment these are the following countries: Bosnia, Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey), you have to bring along the A3 form, which is available from your national health insurance carrier. This form also has to be exchanged for forms that entitle you to medical treatment in Austria (Krankenscheine, “Krankenkassenschecks“) at the relevant Austrian health insurance carrier (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse).

For students from countries with no national insurance agreement with Austria:
Degree programme students (ordentliche Studierende) at all universities who do not fall into the above-mentioned categories may take out a health insurance policy for students with the Österreichische Gesundheitskasse themselves. The cost of this insurance is approximately € 69,- per month. Students can insure themselves anytime for as long as necessary.

There are, however, limits concerning your maximum income in order to be eligible for this insurance; there are also other conditions which have to be met (periods of study, course changes etc.). With a completed application form and “Zulassungs- und Fortsetzungsbestätigung” (Admission and Study Confirmation), students must register with the specific university insurance scheme.

The following documents are required:

  • Application Form
  • Current Study Confirmation
  • Identity Card or e-cards
  • Meldezettel (registration at municipality of Vienna)

Unfortunately the application form is only available in German. Exchange students and students of international or English Master programmes should ask for support at BOKU-International Relations.
Application form (German)

(Inofficial English translation - just for your information - not to be used for the application)

Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK)
Wienerbergstraße 15 – 19, 1100 Wien
Tel. +43 5 0766-11