This site gives you an overview on all strategic documents of BOKU concerning „internationalization“.

BOKU’s Internationalization strategy (Version 2021-2025)

Annex to the Strategy 2021-2025

Brochure on BOKU’s Internalizations strategy 2015  (can only be seen, if logged in as staff member of BOKU!)
The responsible IT-person of your office needs to allow you to see those pages - he/she needs to open the the link for you in the BOKU Accountmanger "Zugriff auf Webseiten, die für OrgEH und "alle Mitarbeiter/innen" im Zugriff beschränkt sind"

Geographic target regions of BOKU’s strategy for Internationalization

Language policy plan 2021

Language policy plan 2016

I) Guidelines for University co-operation agreements:

a) Overview on the different types of co-operation agreements

b) Regulations for establishment of future co-operation agreements

II) Implementation of these regulations

III) Regulation for allocating BOKU’s international funds

European Policy Statement (EPS) 2020

BOKU ERASMUS Charter 2021-2027

BOKU ERASMUS Charter 2014

Erasmus Charter Appliction 2013 inclusing EPS 2013/14

European Policy Statement (EPS) 2007

List of BOKU‘s country representatives 2020 (in German only)

Strategic documents concerning Guest lecturers

Strategy for guest lecturers 2011 (in German only)

Rectorate's information for the formal procedure of a Fulbright BOKU Visiting Professorship

Annual plan of BOKU's Committee for Internationalisation 2025 (in German only) - (can only be seen, if logged in as staff member of BOKU!)

The responsible IT-person of your office needs to allow you to see those pages - he/she needs to open the the link for you in the BOKU Accountmanger  "Zugriff auf Webseiten, die für OrgEH und "alle Mitarbeiter/innen" im Zugriff beschränkt sind"